9 no opinion which he was most settled in either concerning devine or humane things but he would patiently and impartially heare it debated. · In matters of faith his reason allwayes submitted to the word of God, and what he could not comprehend he would believe because 'twas written, but in all other things, the greatest names in the world could never lead him without reason: he would deliberate when there was time, but never lost an oppertunity of anie thing that was to be done by tedious dispute. He would hear as well as speake, and yet never spoke impertinently or unseasonably. He very well understood himselfe his owne advantages, naturall parts, guifts, and acquirements, yett so as neither to glorie of them to others, nor overvall ue himselfe for them, for he had an excellent vertuous modesty, which shutt out all vanity of mind, and yet admitted that true understanding of himselfe which was requisite for the best improovement of all his talents; he no ]esse understood and was more heedful! to remarke his defects, imperfections, imd disadvantages, but that too only to exci te his circumspection concerning them, not to clamp his spiritt in any noble enterprize. He had a noble spiritt of governement, both in civiJI, military, and cecumenicall" administrations, which forc'd even from unwilling subjects a love and reverence of him, and enclear'd him to the soules of those rejoyc'd to be govern'cl by him. He had a native maiesty that struck an .awe of him into the hearts of men, and a sweete greatncsse that commanded love. He had a clearc discerning of men's spirits, and knew how to give every one their iust weight, he contemn'd none that were not wicked, in whatever low degree of nat.ure or fortune they were otherwise: where-ever he saw wiseclome, learning, or other vertues in men, he honor'd them highly, and aclmir'd them to their full rate, but never gave himselfe blindly up to the conduct of the greatest master. Love itsclfe, which was as powerq CEcumenical( - Domestic!<.