Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

11 swasion of conscience, or to practise holy things to get the applause of men or any advantage.-As in Religion so in Friendship, he never prof'cst love when he had it not, nor disguiz'd hate or aversion, which indeed he never had to any party or person, but to their sins: and lov'd even his bitteres t enemies so well, that I am witnesse how his soule mourn'd for them, and how heartely he desir'd their conversion. If he were defective in any part of iustice, it was when it was in his power to punish those who had iniur'd him, whom I have so often knowne him to recompence with favours instead of revenge, that his friends us'd to tell him if they had any occasion to make him favourably partiall to them they would provoke him by an iniury. He was as faithful and constant to his f;·iends as merciful! to his enemies: nothing griev'd him more than to be oblieg'd, where he could not hope to returne itt. He that was a rock to all assaults of might and violence, was the gentl est easie soule to kindnesse, that the least warme sparke of that melted him into aniething that was not sinlull. There never was a man more exactly iust in the performance of duties to all relations and all persons. Honor, obedience, and love to his father, were so naturall and so lasting in hiri1, that it is impossible to imagine a better sonne than he was, and whoever would pray for a blessi ng in children to any one, could but wish them such a sonne as he.' He never repin'<.! at his father's will in aniething, how much soever it were to his prejudice, nor would endure to heare anie· one say his father was not so kind to him as he might have bene, but to his dying day preserv' cl his father's memory with such tender affection and reverence as was admirable, and had that high regard for his mother-inlaw and the children she brought his f~'Llher, as he could not have bene more clearly concern' cl in all their interest if she had bene his r This we shall fi nd called in question by his mother-in-law, and will be discussed in the cour::.e of the history.