Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

an equal! part of his estate to this Sr. John Biron, his younger som1e, and thereupon married him to a young lady who was one of the daughters of my lord Fitzwilliam, that had bene deputy of Ireland in the reigne· of Queene Elizabeth, and liv'cl as a prince in that country.' This daughter of his having an honorable aspiring to all things excellent, and being assisted by the greate education her fa ther gave her, attained to a high degree of learning and language, to such an excellencie in musick and poetry, that she made rare compos itions in both kinds; and there was not any of those ex traordinary quallities, which are therefore more glorious, because more rare in the female sex, but she was excellen t in them: and besides all these ornaments of soule, she had a body of as admirable forme and beauty, which iustly made her husband so infinitely enamour'd of her as never man was more. She could not se tt too high a value on herselfe if she compar'd herselfe with other weomen of those · tim~s, yett it was an allay t.o her glories that she was a little griev'd that a !esse woman, the elder brother's wife, was superior to her in regard of her husband, tho' inferior in regard of her birth and person; but that griefe was soone remoov'd by a sad accident. That marriage, wherein t)le father had not bene obey'd, was fruitelesse, and the young gentleman himselfe being given to youthful vanity, as he was one day to goe out a hunting with his father, had commanded something should be putt under the saddle of a young serving man, that was to goe out with them , to make sport at his a,ffright, when his horse should proove unquiett. The thing succeeded as it was design'd, and made them such sport, that the young b fly mistake :Mrs. Hutchinson calls him lord . The person here meant was Sir Wi lliam l";"itzw ill iam, appointed governor of Ireland S€\'en ti me~, ~v ith the different ti tles of Lord Justice and Lord Deputy, by th at distinguishing and j ud ici ous princess. A snffi c icnt eulogy! From him descends in a direct line the present Earl Fitzwilliam. Fo rtes creantur fottibus et bonis. The reader will most lil:ely find this ep isode too beautiful and affect ing to think it needs the apology the writer makes .