Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

34 untainted with those principles or practises, though not yet enlightened to discerne the spring of them in the rights and usages of the English chnrch. ·when he came fi·om the university, he was about twenty yeares of age, and returned to his father's house, who had now settled his habitation at Nottingham; hut he there ~njoyed no g~eat delight, another brood of children springing up in the house, and the servants endeavouring with tales and flatteries to sow dissention on both sides. Therefore, having a greate reverence for his father, and being not willing to disturb him with complaints, as soon as he could obteine his leave he went to London. In the meane Lime the best company the towne afrorded him, was a gentleman of as exquisite breeding and parts as England's Conrt ever enjoy'd, one that was now married, and retir'd into this towne, one of such admirable power of language and perswasion as was not anie where else to be found; but after all this, discontents, or the debaucheries of the times had so infected him, that he would not only debauch himselfe, but make a delight to corrupt others for his sporL: some he would commend into such a vaine-glorious humor, that they became pleasantly ridiculous; some he would teach apish postures and make them believe themselves rare men, some he would encourage to be poets and laugh at their 1:idiculons rhymes, some young preachers he wonld make stage-players in their pulpitts, and several! wayes sported himself with the follies of most of the young men that he convers'd with. There was not any way which he left unpractis'd upon Mr. Hutchinson; but when, with all his art and industry he found he could not prevaile, then he turn'd seriously to give him such excellent advice and instructions for living in the world as were not afterward uimseful to him.r There was besides f '¥"ho the first gentleman was does no where appear. The Physician here meant, is Dr. Plumtrc, of whom much more will be said in this work.