Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

39 quallity she practis'd, that Mr. Hutchinson tooke pleasure in hearing her practise, and would fall in discourse with her. She having the keyes of her mother's house, some halfe a mile distant, would some times aske Mr. Hutchinson, when she went over to walk along with her: one day when he was there, looking upon an oclde byshelf; in her sister's closett, he found a few Latine bookes; asking whose they were, he was told they were her elder sister's, whereupon, enquiring more after her, he began first to be sorrie she was gone, before he had seene ner, and gone upon such an account, that he was not likely to see her; then he grew to love to heare mention of her, and the other gentlcwcomen who had bene her companions, used to talke much to him of her, telling him how reserv'cl and studious she was, and other things which they esteem'd no advantage; but it so much inflam'd Mr. Hutchinson's desire of seeing her, that he begim to wonder at himsclfe, that his heart, which had ever had such an indifferency for the most excellent of woemenk incl, should have so strong impulses towards a stranger, he never saw; and certainly it was of the Lord, (though he perceiv'd it not), who bad orclein'cl him, thro' so many various pro,ciclences, to be yoak'd with her in whom he found so much satisfaction. There scarcely past any day, but some accident or some discourse still kept alive his desire of seeing this gentlewoman, although the mention of her, for the most part, was enqu iries whether she had yett accomplisht the marriage that was in treaty. One clay there was a g reate cleale of company mett att :Mr. Coleman's, the getltleman's house where he tabled, to l1earc the musick, and a certeine song was sung, which 'had bene lately sett, and gave occasion to some of the company to mention an answer to it, which was in the house, and upon some of their desires read: a gentleman saying 'twas believ'd that a woman in the neighbourhood bad made it, it was presently enqui r'cl who? whereupon a gentleman, then present, who had made the first song, sayd, there were but two weomen that