Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

40 conld be guilty of it, whereof one was a lady then among them, the other Mrs. Apsley. Mr. H utchinson, fancying something of rationallity in the sonnett, beyond the customary reach of a shewitt, allhough, to speake truth, it signified very little, addrest himselfe to the gentleman, and told him, he could scarcely believe it was a woman's, whereupon this gentleman, who was a man of good understanding and expression, and inspir'd with some passion for her himselfe, which made him regard all her perfections through a multiplying glasse, told Mr. Hutch inson, that though for ci,·illity to the rest, he entitled another ladie to the song, yet he was confident it was l\Irs. Apslcy's only, for she had sence above all the rest, and fell into such high prayscs of her, as might well have begotten those vehement desires of her acquaintance, which a strange sympathie in nature had before produc'd: another gentleman, that sate by, seconded thi s commendation, with such additions of prayse, as he would not have given if he had known her. :Mr. Ilutehinson hearing all this, saycl to the first gentleman, I cannot be at rest till this laclie's returne, that I may be acquainted with her; the gentleman replied, "Sir, you must not expect that, for she is of an humour she will not be acquainted with any of mankind, and however this song is stolen forth, she is the nicest creature in the world of suffering her perfections to be knowne, she shuns the converse of men as the plague, she only lives in the enioyment of herself, and has not the humanitic to communicate that happinesse to any of our sex:" " ·well," sayd Mr. Hutchinson, "but I will be acquainted with her;" and indeed the information of this reserv'd humour, pleas'd him, more then all elce he had heard, and fill 'cl him now with thoughts, how he should attai ne the sight and knowledge of her. ·while he was exercis'cl in this, many clays past not, but a footcboy of my lady her mothers came lo young Mrs. Apsley ' as they were I It was the custom at that time to call young ladies Mi stress, not l\Ii ss . Shakespeare call s Ann Page, .Mrs . Ann .