gate up the next day, but yett could not quitt himself of an extravagant perpl exitie of soule, concerning this unknowne gentlewoman, which had not bene admirable in another light person, but in him, who was from his childhood so serious and so rationall in all his considerations, it was the effect of a miraculous power of providence, leadi ng him to her that was destin'd to make his future ioy. Whi le she so ran in his thoughts, mee ti ng the boy aga ine, he found out, upon a little stricter examination of him, that she was not married, and pleas'd himselfe in the hopes of her speedy returne, when one day, having bene invited by one of the ladi es of that neighbourhood, to a noble treatement at Sion Garden, which a courtier, that was her servant, had made for her and whom she would bring, M r. Hutchinson, Mrs. Apsley, and Mr. Coleman's daughter were of the parlie, and having spent the day in several! pleasant divertisements, att evening they were a lt supper, when a messenger came to tell Mrs. Apsley her mother was come. She would immedi a tely have gone, but Mr. Hutchinson, pretending civillity to conduct her home, made her stay 'till the supper was ended, of which he eate no more, now only longing' for that -sight, which he had with such perplexity expected. This at length he obteined; but his heart being prepossess t with his owne,fimcy, was not fi·ee to discerne how little there was in her to answer so greate an expec tation . She was not ugly, in a carelesse riding-habitt, she had a melancholly negligence both of herselfe and others, as if she nei ther affected to pl ease others, nor tooke notice of anie thing before her; yet spite of all her indifferency, she was surpriz'cl with some unusual! liking in her soule, when she saw this gentleman, who had !mire, eif's, shape, and countenance enough to begett love in any one at the first, and these sett of with a graccfu ll and generous mine, which promis'd an extraordinary person; he was at that time, and indeed a lways very neatly habitecl, for he wore good and rich clothes, and had variety of them, and had them well