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T H E DISPLAY O F Íotouzi. atc: OR, THE Covenant of PEACE, OPENED. In FOURTEEN SERMONS Lately Preached, In which the Errors of the prefent Day, about Reconciliation andYuflification, areDetened. By BENJAMINKEACH. PS AL. Lxxxix. 34. My Covenant will I not break, nor alter the thins that its gone out of my Lips. LONDO2V, Printed by S. Bridge, and Sold by Mary Fabian, at Mercers-Chappel inCheapjide; and yofeph Collier, at the Golden-Bible onLondon- Bridge, by the Gate ; and Wil- liam Marfball, at the, Bible in Nengate-ftreet, 1698.
_ TO THE Llnprejudic'd Reader. AS I Preach not topleafe Mens Ears, /o but little regard ought to be had to the Scoffing Refietlions of fuch Men, who contemn every thingof this kind, unlefs it confifbs of a Fancy- taking Mo4elationof empty Rhetorick, or a high Florid Stile, mixt with Wit, Learning, and Philofophical Notions. Sad it vs tofee that in Divine Matters, nay, in Preach- ing, Perfonsfhouldaffen New Modes and Fashi- ons, (as to the fhame of the prefent Generation, they do in refe ` of Garbs and Dreffes :) I an not for Airy and Florid Orations in the Mini- ftration of the Word of God, but for that plain Way of Preaching ufed by the Holy Apoftles, and our Worthy Modern Divines. Betides, could I fo Preach or Write, as is the Flefh-pleafng, Ear- ticklingA-la-mode ofthe Times, offlthwhoflu- dy Words more thanMatter, it would be utterly diflik'd by all fisch Pions Chriftians, for whore fake, andat whofe Importunity theft Sermons are publifhed. The Holy Apoflle (who tho profoundly Learned) difclaims any Rhetorical Flouriíhes, or perfwafive Oratory, butprofeffes that his Speech and Preaching, was not with the Inticing Words of Man's Wifdom, but in the demon- A2 frtion
iv To the R E A D E R. ffration of the Spirit, and with Power, i Cor. 2. 4 Imay fay of forne Mens Orations, or Elocutions, as Plutarch fpeaks of the Nigh- tingale, who was at first- taken with his delicate .. V tes, but when he faw him faid, Thou art a Voice and. nothing elfe. But alas, fence the Sacred Scripture it f;lfcan't cfcape force Mens Centre, as if the Stile eras rude and unpolifhed, {th(y being dcilitute of that Spirit which gave them forth;) What can I expect to meet with from tech? Reader, The great Yoy thatgencralÿ appeared amongst all People upon the Conclufion of the late Peace, put me upon Preaching on this Subjett andwhen Ifound fo great a Number ofBooksSub- f ribedfor, I thought I had a Call to Print and Publifh them, which ryas the leas`1- of my Thoughts when Ifïrit entered upon this Work : And indeed I greatly fear, many will fee their Expetation f ruftrated, (Imean furl) who didnot hear the Ser- mons Preached, but onlyhad forcefmall account of them,) yet they knowing the Author, I mayfee cat-=fe to retal what I fpeak of my Fears. Imuß confif, divers Worthy and Learned Men have wrote moft excellently upon the Covenant of Grace, yet perhaps hardly any in the Method here ufed., nor under the Notion of a Covenant of Peace=- --Inforce things thou wilt find that 1 do differ from many Learned Men, who make the Covenant of Redemption, a diftint Covenant from that ofPeace and Reconciliation, yet I de- fire thee to read- the tenthSermonbefore thou judg- eft
To the READER. eft wbo is in the right--------1 By the Bate- Tian Party I expel to be carted- an A.ntino- mian, for that bath been their Artifice of late, to expofe the True Ancient Prote- ftant Doarine about Juftifcation, ¿mc. but others who are found in the Faith, mild ( am fure) acquit me of that Charge. My main defign in ali my Preaching (ifI know my own- Heart) is wholly to advance the Free Grace of -,God, through that Redemption which is in Jefits Chrifi-, and utterly to abaft the Creature, tho it may f em a hard thing to keep in an even Line, and not fall into either Extrearn :.May be fame May (bumble at Pm ExpreJJäons about God's being Reconciled in Chrift to the Elect rvhilft Sin7 ners But fure they can't think that 1 mean becáufe he is reconciled in the Second Adam, that therefore he is actually Reconciled to any at-s they are confidered in the Firft Adam, and abide under God's denounced Wrath and the Curfe óf the Law : I know I h. ave been abarfd of late in Print, by forme on the other Hand, but let all well weigh what 1 havefaid in my Medium hetwixt two Extreams, and what is here fail, and fo receive Satisfaction [if in the ;fu gment of any I havemiffed the Truth in any material Cafiill IJhall gladly receive Information from fach, and readily embrace it upon the Evidence of Truth- : For, Iconffs, Ifee but a little, and the Bell know but in part 1rat which poffibly may fens molt diftaflful, is the frequent repeating of forme things ; yet in fo doing, Ihave followed the Di- reetions of a very great Man, viz. That ftch A 3 ?'hzngs
vi To the READER. Things that are Emphatical, _Mould be often re- peated tofix the Matter the better on the Mind of the Hearer, or Reader. Befides, they come in occafonaly upon different Heads : And afo I find the veryfame hail been done by others, who are look'd upon as Stars of the firft Magnitude See the Epiftle to Dr. Manton's Fourth Volume, p. 8. where you have theft Expre ions, viz. Let it not offend thee that forme things are re- peated, which frequently happens in the Courfe of any Man's Miniftry, when the fame Subjea has been formerly handled. Moreover one Reafon of it might be, becaufe ofthe different Times of my Preaching thefe Sermons I being called oft to Preach upon other Sublet-Is betwixt them ; neither do I think any thing is Vnprofitably repeated, it being chiefly to Re- fute the New prevailing Errours about Juii- fcation. Reader, Thou wilt find many of the Efen tial Points of' the Chriffian Religion arehandled in thefe Sermons, (tho but weakly, according to that fmall Gift received ;) And alto thou wilt fee how Vnjuflly I have been mifreprefnted in an Epi¡lle to a certain Iàok lately Publifh- ed --I.do not fay that thou haft all the En- largements here Printed, as Delivered when theft Sermons were Preached, efpecially in force of them, for if I had fo done, the Book would have fwelled too big, and indeed it exceeds now what I firft propofed But
To theR .ADER. vii But to Conclude, If thou dolt receive any Light, Spiritual Profit, . or Advantage by thy perufng of theft Sermons, let thy care be to return the Praife to the God of Truth, and with Charity to cover my Weakneffès, and forget nee not in thy Prayers, who am now drawing towards the Period of my Labours and Days. --But yet through God's Grace at prefent remain thy Servant in the Gofpel for Chrift's fake, Frommy Houfe at Horflydown, in Free- gnat's-Lane, this 12th of the3d Month, cal- led May 1689. . Keach. Reader, there are %me Faults efcaped the Prefs, which thou art defired to mend with thy Pen before thou readeft. Ag. 76. lin. 13. for Author readOrthodox. p.m. 1.11. a Figure is falte plac'd, and an a falfe .;reap:, it Mould he 2. This Oath, &c. p. 114.1. 5. r. which the Law, &c. p. 119.1. 4. blot out thus, and 1. 7. for win r. will, and 1.13. for Creatures r. Creature, p.120,1.26. for great r. greater, p. 152. 1. 15. blot out the Father, p. 184. 1.2 9, blot out the, p. 184. in the Marg,inal Note for 'tit read th; , p. 189. 1. 17. there is a General Head left oat, r. in oppofition to that of Works, and 1. 18. blot out b,' caule ; the next General Head is falte allo, for Fourt l; r. Thirdly, and fo for Fifthly r. Fourthly, &c. p.287. 1.2r . fox his r. bis Wrath, Wrath is left out. A 4 Reader
viii THE T4BLE O F The Chief Heads contained in this BOOK. SERMON I. I. ryHEOccafionofthe Author's Preaching upon this Subjea, p.1121334 II. TheText divided, and the Terms' ex- plained, : P.5,6,7,8. III. The Do&rine raifed, and the General .41ethod propofed, containing Six leads, viz,. I. Eight Explanatory Propofitions laid down bywayofpremife. 2. Yo open all the main Covenant YranfalIions concerning God's Reconciliation toMan, andMan's Reconciliation unto God 3. Open the Nature of the Covenant. 4. To ¡herowhat is given or granted to all Be- lievers in the Covenant. 5. 'To open theexcellent Nature ofthe Peaceof the Covenant. 6. Thegeneral Application, p.9. I. Propofit. That God forefaw from Eter- nity that a Breach would arife between himfeif And Mankind, P.9. 19
14.1..-- The TABLE.' ix II, Prop: That this Covenant was entered into betwixt God the Father, and God the Son, inbehalf of the Elea,. p.10. III. Prop. That the Breach God forefaw would rife, would be very great, opened on Man's part in 4Particulars ; on God's part in 5 Particulars, p.10,11,12,13,4. IV. Prop. That the Breach was occafioned by Man's breaking the Law of his Creation, or the firft covenant, p.14,1 5,16. V. Prop. That there was none in Heavenor Earth that could make up this Breach fave Je- fus Chrift, p.16. VI. Prop. God not irreconcileable, yet aas in a way of abfolute Soveraignty, p.17,18,19: VII. Prop. That this Covenant alone pro- ceeded from theGrace ofGod, p.20. VIII. Prop. That it alto refults from God's Mercy to fuchas were confider'd in Mifery,p.21 S E R M. II. Secondly, The Covenant Tranfaaions pro- pofed to be opened, in 6 general Heads. I. A Treaty held between God the Father and the Son about it. II. An agreement between them inEternity. III. The Mediator of the Covenant chofen, viz. Jefus Chrift. IV. The Ratification of the Covenant. V. TheProclamation, or Proclaiming this Peace. VI. When this Peice did commence, and who are included in it, p.23,24. Of thefirft ofthefe,viz.theTreaty,p,24,25,26 Chrift
x TheTABLE. , 44011.e-.010.7 Chrift our Covenanting-Party, or Repre.. fentative in this Treaty ; {hewing why he is called the 1Mefrenger of the Covenant, in 4 Re- fpeecs, p.z5,26. Secondy, Why a Mediator was chofen, and the Neceffity thereof, opened in 6 Particíl- lars, 1135136. The Son of God did actually confent to anfwer all thofe Propofals made by the Fa- ther, p.30. Chrift the Mediator muff be God, he muff be Man, he muff be God-man, p. 38. to 42. What a Mediator lignifies, And how Chrift was qualified ; with his whole Work and Office, in 9 Partic. p.41.55. SERM. III. Further opening Chrift'sWork as Mediator, ins particulars, which makes the whole 14, P.5 7, 58,&c. The Application, p.62,63,64. The Offices of Chrift,King, Priest, andPro- phet, trc. opened, p. 66. to 74. The Baxterian Errors what, and alto An- fwered ; Chrift paid our Debts as a Surety; andnot asa Priest, p.71. Mr. Clark's Errors detetecl, a Grand Bax- terian, p. 77. to 84. SERM. W. The Suretifhip of Chrift opened in eight, Things, p.84,85. TwoGrand Obje&ions Anfwered, p.9o. . What Suretifhip imports, p,86.to 89. 2. Why
The T A B L E. xi 2.. Why Chrift became our Surety, íhewed for 5 Reafons, p.92. 3. What he was to do, as our Surety, íhew- ed in nine Particulars, p,93. to ¡oz. q.. Shewing how his Suretifhip differs from Suretifhip among Men, in three things, p.I o21 I03, I04. A grand Objeaion anfwered, p.I o3 Our Debts are paid, and yet freely forgi -.. ven, íhewed in 7 Refpeas, p.104,105. SERM. V. The Ratification of the Covenant, (1 .)How between theFather and the Son, p.109,1 10. (2.) By the Death of Chrift, p.1I I,I12. Chrift a Teftator; what a Teftator figni- fies, Shewing why the Covenant comes under the Notion of a Teftament, or Chrift's Laíf: Will, p.112. A Sevenfold of of Chrift's Death, p. 113, to 116. The Ufe, p. I 17, &c. I. The Proclamation ofPeace, what. 2. WhoGod hath appointed toproclaim it. «. 3. The Nature of the Proclamation. ,q,. The Terms upon which it is proclaimed, p.119, I20. 'Tis theGofpel, why it maybe fo called, opened in 10 Particulars, p. 120. to125. What a kind of Book the Gofpel is, (hewed, in 7Particulars, p.125,126. The life, p. 128, &c. SE RM.
xii The TABLE. BERM. VI. Who the Ambaffadors of Peace are, viz. (i .) Chrift himfeif the Chief. (hewed in 6Par- ticulars, p.131,132,í3, Chrift excellently qualified for an Ambaffa- dor, (hewed in 6 Particulars, p.134, (a.) Chrift'sMinifters arc SubordinateAm- baffadors ; Six forts of Preachers are none of Chrift's Ambaffadors, p.13 51 136. Proving Chrift's Minifters are his Ambafra- dors, and what their Work is, opened in i 1 Particulars, p. 135. to 144. Ambaffadors when welcome, (hewed in 4 Refpehs, p. i 37. to 140, The Application, P. r46,&c. SERM:. VII. The Natureofthe Gofpel, or Proclamation of Peace, r i. 1. What it declares, (hewed in fiveParti- culars 2. What it proclaims, viz.. Peace and good News by Jefus Chrift, God in him being Re -, conciled, P.155. 3. To be proclaimed to all Nations, p.156. 4. Free Pardon for all Sins fave that againiï the Holy Ghoff, p.157. 5. A. Univerfal Proclamation. An Objection, Did not Chrift die for all, largely anfwered, p.158,159,&c. Chrift noConditional Redeemer,p.160,161 Why the 'Proclamation runs fo Univerfal, p.164. (6.) Shew-
The ,TABLE. (6.) Shewing on what Terms Peace is of- fered to Sinners, p.164,165,166. The Application, p.167. S E R M. VIII. 1. Shewing the Date of the Covenant, or when it did commence, p.170,171. 2. And who comprehended in it. 3. The third general Head of Difcourfe, viz. The Nature of the Covenant opened. I. Proving it is the Covenant of Grace, as well as of Redemption, p.172,173. (I .) In it felf. (2.) In oppofition to the Co- venant of Works, P.1757176. The difference between the Covenant of Grace, and Covenant of Works, opened in 9 Particulars, p.177, to 182. II. 'Tisan abfoluteCovenant, (hewed in 5 Things, p.182, to 185.. S E R M IX. III. 'Tis a well ordered Covenant, !hewed in 5 Things, p.19x,191. IV. 'Tis a Glorious Covenant, !hewed in 6 Things, p.192 1 93,1 9q.. V. 'Tis a full Covenant, !hewe in io Things, p.194, to. 198, VI. 'Tis a feafonable Covenant, !hewed in 3 Things, P.198. (1.) As to the time when provided, before Man finned. (2.) As to the firft revelation of it. (3.) As to the time of the applicati- onofthe Balm ofit to a Convi&ed, or Woun- ded Sinner, p 1 8,199. VII. 'Tie
xiv The TABLE. VII. 'Tis a fore Covenant, fhewed in 6 Re- f I pe&s p.199,2oo, VIII. 'Tis a Coy. of Peace, p.2oI,to 203. SERM. X. IX. 'Tis a tried Covenant, (hewed in 4Re- fpeecs, p.206. X. It is one intire Covenant, largely pro- ving the Covenant of Redemption, and Cove- nant ofGrace elhentially one and the fame Co- venant, p. 207, to 222. TheCovenant ofPeacea Covenant of grea- teí& Confolation, p.222. Alfo anEverlafting Covenant, p.223. SERM. XL Shewing the Gifts, Grants, and Priviledges inthe Covenant to Believers, p.224. I . God himfelfgiven asaCov.Blefling,p.22 5. HowGod comes to be our God, negatively íhewed, in 3 Refpeas, p.226, Affirmatively, p.227. What an amazingGift this is, fhewed in 9 Particulars, 228 to236. Pirfr,The Good in God'sCommunicable At- butes given and let out tous, p.229,&c. Secondly,TheSon is given toBelievers,p.237 Thirdly, The Holy Spirit is given,all Grace is given, other Priviledges given, p.238,239. BERM. XII. Believers areGod's People by virtue of the Covenant, p.240,241. . In
The TAB L E. xv I . In what refile&s calledGod's People,ne- gatively in 3 refile&s, p.242,243. In the Affirmative Ill 7 refile&s, p.243,&c. 2. What kind of People God's Covenant- Peopleare,íhewed in z Partic. p.246,to 252. 3. What a Bleffing it is to be God's People, in 12Particulars, p.255,256. The Application, p.256,257. SERM. XIII. This Peace opens a Free Trade to Hea- ven p.259. Sin flop'd up or interrupted all Trade be- twixt God and Man, what this implies Ihewed, p.159. What meant by a Free Trade ,¡hewed in 3 Things, p.260,26 F . This Spiritual Trade is opened by the Peace made by Chrift, p.261. We Trade by or through a River, viz,. the Spirit, this River Chrift opened, p.262. This Trade the belt Trade, ¡hewed in 4. Refpeas. (1.) in the refile& of the Subjest thefeMerchandifes inrich. (2.) In refile& of the things Traded for. (3.) In refile& of the Correfpondent weTrade with, p.263. q.. In refpea of the Terms upon which we Trade (i .) In refile& of theSubje&, viz: theSoul, ¡hewed in7Things, p.265,&c. (2.) In refile& of the Nature of the Things ¡hewed, in 8 Particulars, p.268,&c. 5. In refpe&of Christ we Trade with,¡hew- cd in6 Things, p.271,272, (t .) Chrift
xvi The T A BL E. (r.) Chrift makes great Returns, p. 272. (2.) Sure Returns. (3.) Quick Returns. (4,) 'Tisa Free Trade without Money, p.275. The Application' p.276, All Falfe Dealers will break, and why, fhew`- ed in 6 Things, p.277. Who areRichTraders, !hewed in9 Things, P.279,2804 S E R M. XIV. A Summary Account of what is requifite to God's being at Peace with Man, and Man with God, p.281,&c. The Nature of this Peace opened, in four- teen Particulars, p. 286, to 291. The general Application, P.293. Chrift the Covenant, or the Sum of the Co- venant of Grace, 'hewed in eight Refpeas, p.293,to296. How to know we have atual Peace with God, !hewed in 8 Particular, p.299.300. A needful Caution about the Elect being Reconciled to God in Chrift whilst Sinners, p. Soo, 301. The BiefTed State of Believers that pofs Peace, or are in a Stateof Peace, p 303,304. The Conclufion.
T H E DISPLAY F 1040us mrt O R T H,E Covenant of Peace Opened : In Several S ERMON S. SERMON I S A. Liv. x. Latter Part. Neither (hall the Covenant of my Peace be removed , faith the Lord, that hath Mercy on thee. Have promifed fore Brethren to Enter The occara upon the Great Subject of peace : Not on of the to Treat of Peace with Men, but Peace with Preaching GOD ; not National Peace, but Spiritual ahu Peace ; And that which partly put me upon the Thoughts hereof, was, To fee, and hear what Great Joy there is among us in this Na- tion, and in other Kingdoms and States, upon account of the Peace lately concluded betwixt B the
CbzDmfpÏap of'ToliatiOC acc or, the French King and the Confederate Princes. I muff confefs National Peace is a great Bleffing, when it is given in Mercy, and it is fanaified, and well improved by thofe King- doms and People that enjoy it But whether the Prefent Peace may be in Mercy (to the Nations) or in Judgment, I know not ; Time muff dìfcover that : Alas ! What Peace can fuch expea, who continue in Rebellion againft the OD of Heaven and Earth ? What Peace \ean fuch a People expea who are not humbled for thofe Sins and Abominations which caufed the righteous and holy God to bring the Plague of War and Devaftations upon them ? When the Caufe is not remov- ed, what reafon have we to think the Effea will ceafe ? GOD may it is true, take off one Rod, and yet chaften us with another; if War and the Peftilence humble us not, Famine may be looked for. See what God fpeaks in Levit. 26. 21. .And ifyou walk con- trary onto me, and will not hearken unto me, I mill bring feven times more Plagues uponyou, ac- cording to your fins ; andye ¡hall eat the flefhof your Sons, and the flefh ofyour Daughters fhall you eat, v. 29. A People may cry Peace, Peace ! when f«dden. Deftruaion is juft com- ing upon them. I may fay of the Nations of 2 Pis 9. the Earth; as y'ehu faid to Yoram's Mefi'enger, 18. 22. What haft thoii to do with Peace ? What Peace fj long a6 the Whoredoms of thy Mother Jezzabel, and her Witchcrafts are fit may y ? What Peace. can fuch a Nation or People look for, long to continue, whilst their horrid Wickcdnefs, Pro -.
Ebe C0lnnaYZt of peace Omni). Prophanenefs, turfed Oaths, Blafphemy, Drunken- nefs, Whoredom, Pride, Treachery, Cruelty, Col toufnefs, Herefies, Super(iitions, and all manner of abominations abound amongft them ? know this afhuredly God's Anger is not yet turned awáy, but his hand is lifted up ¡till. The Sei ven laß Plagues will over a fhort time be poured forth ; and whatfoever you may think of theprefnt Peace, I fear worfer things are near than what the Earth hath feen or felt yet ; we are not fallen in Each an Age as to ex- pea any long time of -Peace ; No, No ! God bath a fearful Gontroverlie with the Kingdoms of the Barth ; Babylon miff fall, and Sion me: rife, and fefus Ghriff [hall Reign and PofFefs his Vifible Kingdom. And tho Reverend Mr. Beverly, in fo;e refpe&&, bath acknowledged himfelf miftaken,yet the ChurchofGod is great- ly obliged to him for his elaborate Pains, in his 7iirgs look careful fearching out the Myffical Numbers, 6, if thi fo as to know the time of the end of the Beaffs may be the Reign and Tyranny, the allïn .awa of I rear in, Y 1 g Y zxhicl the the Second n. Moreover, l am perfwadedTurks máy he bath out -done all that went before him,be aPla&u and may be the World will fee in a fhort ry the Are- fpace, that he was not much miftaken as to the ticnriftiaa Time. (late. Therefore it will be Wifdom in all to for- bear too .hard Cenfures of this Worthy Per - fon : Let us wait to fee what will be produ.- ced by Divine Providence between this and the end of the Year 1700. No doubt but ama- zing Revolutions are ready to break out in the Earth. God wil overturn, overturn, overturn, till J3. >e
key. a7. 16, i7. DÍfpiap of eio/tGugi (2541CQ : Or, he come whofe right it tis, viz. our Lord Jefus Chrift, and it 'hall be given unto him. Things look abroad as if we may expea a Religious War, and fuch an one doubtlefs, will be produced when God puts it into the hearts of the Yen Kings (or forre of them) to hate the Whore. So that from the whole we may ex- pea God will yet take Peace from the. Earth, tho bleffed be his Name, we enjoy a little re- pofe at this time. But what may fuch Princes and People expe&, who having got Peace from abroad, continue, or raife an Open War againff the Lord and his People at Home; nay, film their Rage and Malice (more fir.ce) in perfe- cuting them than before. Oh ! That all of us may be furred up to cry to the Lord mightily for thofe poorPeople,and againft their Enemies, as they are Foes and Oppofers, and make War againft the Lamb, and thofe that follow him : Thefe things tend to caufe me to conclude that the Prefent Peace in the Diropean World may not Taft long. ï\ly B -ethren, Peace made between King- doms and Nations may foon be broken or re- moved : But there is a Peace which being made 'hall be hating, and never be removed : And this brings me to the Words of my Text : For the Mountainsmall depart, and the Bills be removed, but my kindnefs 'hall not depart from thee, neither mall the Covenant of my Peace be removed, faith the Lord that hath mercy on thee The
'tjeQobenant of pewee Opened+ 5 The Text containeth a moil Gracious Pro- rbe rexz rife, in which are Five Things to be conli- open dered. I. Who it:, tis that makes thus Promifo, II. To whom the Promife is made. I=II. What is contained in the Fromife. IV. The Spring or Rife of the Promife. V. The Stability of the Promife, L It is GOD, the great God and Father two makes of Mercy which makes this Promife ; he that :hit Pro- made and created us, fee verft 5. For thy Ma- raife. ker is thy Husband, the LordofHofts is his Name, the God of the whole Earth ¡hall he be called; A Promife of Peace from filch a I ing is worth regard, and to be prized by all to whom it is made. II. This Promife is made unto the Gentile ro viorn Church, and therefore it wonderfully behoveth tbir,re. us to confider it, and lay the matter to heart ; mife is Ibme of thole great Proinifes contained in the made.. Writings of the Prophets, do peculiarly refer to the yews, the Natural Seed of Abraham,. but this wholly and particularly refpeaeth the Gentile Church, as you may fee if you read v. i. Sing O barren, thou that didft not bear.', breakforth into Singing, and cry aloud thou that didft not trae' vel. The 7errifh People were in a Legal Co- venant Married to the Lord, and many among them were fpiritually efpoufed unto him, and brought forth bleTed Fruit, the Church of If rael had a numerous Oilfpring ; but for a long Period of Time we poor Gentiles were paf fed by, God efpoot feet us not ; the Gentiles B 3 weïq
be DPW WW of FDißzfOtto ezaCC t Or, were not Married, or taken into a Covenant Relation with God until the Times of the Gofpel, and it was upon the Reje&ion,4 and cafting off of the 3eivs, that they were graft- ed in, as Paul fhews at large, Rom. tr. Now the Reafons why the Gentile People are called, air excited here to Rejoyce and Sing, may be thefe. r. From what precedeth in the 53d. Char ter, where mention is made of the Sufferings, Humiliation, and Paffion of our Lord Jefus Chrift. Surely he loath born our Griefs, andcar- ried our Sorrows, &c. ver. ç. He was wounded fir our Tranfgrefons, he was bruifedfor our uities. For our Iniquities, that is, for all the Iniquities of Gods Elect not only for them among the 'Yaps' but them alto amongft the Gentiles. Therefore, Sind O Barren, fing ye Poor Gentiles, for Jefiis Chrift Dyed for you, he bore your Tranfgreflions. z. Upon the Confideration of the Promife of the Father to Jefus Chrift in refpe6t of them as well as any other, Chap. 53. r o. He /hall fee his Seed, or the `revel of his Soul, even them amongft the Gentiles, as well as them amongft the IPM ; . e. He {hall fee all them for whom he Died, brought into a Covenant Relation with l imfellf, even Married to him, and his own gracious Image ftampt upon them ; they (hall be called, he Bail fee them Converted, he.ihail enjoy them, and imbrace them in his Arms, and they (ball lie in his ofm. T ,cy . are called ipon to -Sing ( as I conçeiç
'ÏjcCobenant ofpeace opcnc i+ conceive) in refpe& of that great and glo- rious Priviledge of there being thus Married to Jefús Chrift, who before had no Husband, For thy Maker is thy .Husband. 3. From the Confideration, the is delive- red from the shame of being Barren ; fee ver. 4. Cry aloud thou that didít not Travel, &c. 4. Upon the Confiderationof her numerous of-fpring ; For more are the Children of the IDe- folate, than the Children of the Married Wife, faith the Lord, verfe T. Enlarge the Place of thy Tents, and let them firetch forth the Curtains, &c, verfe 2. For thou (halt break forth on the Right Hand, and on th :: Left. This thews, that there fhould be a Multitude of the Gen- tiles Converted unto Jefus Chrift ; yea, a far greater number than of the Jews, which bath been made good in the Gofpel Days, and will yet more abundantly in Times that now draw very near, when the fulnefs of the Gentiles 'thall be brought in : But O ! How barren is the now, that once was the Darling of Heaven, and the only Church and People of God? hardly one Jew to be found throughout the Earth, that 'owns the true Meffiah, or is a Believer, or a true Chriftian. 5. Becaufe fhe (hall never fuffer tame any more, though for a thort Time the was for- iàken, and Teemed not to be regarded by the Lord ; but being now Efpoufed, f%,e fhall per- petually be Beloved, and injoy Chrifts fpecial Favour. 6. From the Confideration of the Cove- nant, that Goc has made with Chrift for 13 4 them
be Difplap of ZIO IQUo ewe Or, them ; For the fountains ¡hall depart, and the ,dills be removed, but my Kindnefs ¡hall not de- part from thee, neither ¡hall the Covenant of my Peace be removed, &c. This brings me to the next Thing. What is III. Which is, that which is contained eontainèd in the Promife, viz. Peace, Peace is a Tweet in tkii Pro- Bleffing, Peace with Men is highly efteemed ; r,7ife. but this is Peace with God which is far bet- ter, and exceeds all kind of Peace whatfoever,, Yea, Peace by Vertue of a Covenant, a Cove- nant made by God himfelf, The Covenant of my Peace, faith the Lord. The Life or IV. We have the Spring-. or Rife of spring of this Promife, or the grand Motive that mo- t e Pro- mife. ved God to enter into this Covenant ofPeace or to make this Promife ; viz. His Love and Mercy, Saith the Lord, that loath Mercy on thee. This {hews, that the Covenant of Peace was founded for poor Creatures who were.in Mife- ry, or in a deplorable Condition, Marl be- fore his fall needed not Gods Mercy, he was the Obje& of Gods Love and Favour, but not .of his Mercy : For Mercy extended to any Per- on, denotes he was in a forlorn and Mifera. Ne Conditionbefore ; and at that Time when Bowels of Pity and Compailion were moved towards him. V. We have here all() the Stability of the Promife, the Mountains that 'hand fo fait shall, or may fooner depart, and the Hills be, removed, than this Covenant of Peace can be broken or be removed ; nay, and he that faith this, is the Lord,, the faithful, and tribe God,
Zbe Cobonant ofpeace Opencti; 9 God, that cannot lie ; but to make it yet more firm, he hath fworn to his Pr-omife ; for as I have fworn that the Waters of Noah fhall no Ifa. 54.9. more, go over the Earth, fo have I [worn that I would not be Wrath with thee nor rebuke thee that is, not to forfake her utterly. So much !hall fuffice as to the Parts, and Explanation of the Words of our Text. I !hall only raife, and profecute one Point of Do±rine from hence, viz. Doa. That there is a Covenant of Peace The Do- made or agreed upon, and it flands firm t ui arine rai- behalf ofall Gods Eleçt. fed. In the (peaking unto this Propofition, I Ihall take this Method following, . viz. Lay down eight Explanatory Propofitions by way ofPremife. 2. I fhall endeavour to open the main or chief Tranfaétions about the bringing in, and ell-ably/3- y' this Covenant of Peace 3. I fhall open the Nature of this Covenant of Peace. 4. I(hall thew you what tis contained, granted or given zn this Covenant. 5. Shew the Nature of the Peace comprehended in this Covenant. .6. Appy it. Propofit. I. That God fore/aw from Eternity, Explana- that Man would fall from that happy and bicfled tory Pro- State in which he was Created ; and that a fear- pofitions. ful breach would arife betwixt hirn if and Man- kind. Thereby, Had it not been thus, there would have been Ilo
IO ebbDtfplapof (251o#otto efface + no room, no need, no occafion for God to enter into a Covenant of Peace with his own blefl-ed Son, in behalf of Mankind without a War forefeen, there could I fay, be no occafion of a Covenant of Peace and Reconcilation: II. Propofition, That this Covenant of Peace was entered into between the Father and the Son before the World began. Hence the Apoftle faith, (aluding to this Covenant) God bath 2 Tir4.I9. faved us, and called us with an holy Calling, not according to our Works, but according to his own purpofe and Grace which was given us in Chrill Pro. 8.s3. fefius before the World began. Moreover, Our Lord Jefus faith, that he wasfet up from everlafting, from thebeginning, or ever the Earth was. That is ordained, fubftituted and anointed to be the great Reprefeiitative and CovenantingHead in behalfof all the Ele& of GO.O. III. Propofition, That the Breachwhich God forefaw would are, would be very great, or a molt amazing or fearful Breach betwixt him - felf and loft Mankind, and that it was fo might abundantly be demonftrated. Tarature It was a Breach occafioned by Sin, of breach the God did not firft fall out with us, or proclaim ho trvirt d War againfEt Mankind ; but we firft broke and Man that League and Covenant of our Creation ppened. with God ;' Man rebelled againft his Creator, cafing off his Obedience and Allegiance, and ccle7e29, fubjeEted himfelf to Sin and the Devil, Lo this only have I found, that God bath made Man up- right, but they have fought out many inventions. Tho all the Wickednefs that is in Man's Iiçart, that Deceit, Flypocrifie, and ftreams of
ebeCobenatit of PeaceOpenci3. II of Filthinefs that is there, Solomon, the Wifeft of Men could not- find out : Yet this he hád difcovered, viz. the Fountain of it,, namely eligtnaf *Ín ;. or what it was that firs caufed that Breach and War which is be- tween God and all Unconverted Men, or all ungodlyOnes in the World. And now, That it is a fearful Breach appeareth, I. In that Man run away from God, and hid himfelf, And the Lord God calledunto Adam Gent. 3. and faid unto him, Where art thou ? And he faid, IO. I heard thy Voice in the Garden, and I iva6 afraid, becaufe I was naked, and I hid my felf, That God who was before the .Objea of his Love and Delight, was now become Terrible unto him becaufe of his horrid Sin andGuilt which layupon him. a. It was an unreafonable" arc of Difobedi- ence, and molt horrid Rebellion; confidering what God had done for Man, and how Great, Noble and Honourable God had made him.; .he formed Man in his own Image, and made him capable of enjoying Tweet Fclloawhip and Communion with his Creator ; he made him Lard and Governour of all things on Earth, and gave him a lovely, beautiful Spoufe to be a fit help meet for him ; he gave him power to il-and in that happy Mate, tho he left him in a poffibility of Falling to prove his Fidelity and Obedience to his Maker. But Man call: horrid Contempt upon God by his Unbelief. He dii- believed the true and faithful God, and believ- ed the Devil, that Father of Lies, and fo gave more Glory` to Satan, than to his blefied and moil rightful Sovereign. 9
ebe Oifpfapofe1Mouco 4,113occ * Or, 3. The Difmal Nature of this Breach fur- ther appears on Man's part, by confidering of that vile and abominable Enmity which is in the Hearts of all Mankind (who abide in that old Nature) against God as the effec`fs of that first' Sin, The carnal mind is enmity againft God, g' 7',for it is not fubjeCt unto the Law of God, neither indeed can be ; he Both not fay, it is anEnemy, but in the abifra&, it is Enmity; an Enemy (as one obferves) may be reconciled, but Enmity can never be reconciled : Man by this Sin came to be alienated in the higheft degree Eph. 4.18. from God, having the Vnderftanding darkned, being alienated from the life of God : And in another place, faith the fame Apoífle, Andyou co. 1. that were fometimes alienated andenemies inyour minds by wicked works, yet now bath he recoil- cued. the fear. 4. This ftill further appears, In that all Men fulßate of naturally refit God and his good Spirit, they Man by fight against God, Ye ftif necked and uncircum- Nature. cifed in heart and ears, ye do always refift the ,Rtis M' Holy Ghoft, as your Fathers did, fo do ye. Nay, they are calledhaters of God, The haters ofGod (faith David) fhould have fubmitted themfelves, lob.15.24. Ye have both 'bated me and my Father, faith our bleflèd Lord. 'What canrender Sin more evil, or Man more vile than to be called a Hater of God, they are haters of God and def ightfwl ; Their fo l faith the Lord, z i.s, Î ; , abhorred any, and my Soul loathed them. Moreover, They are Paid to be Contemners ofGod, they even dare God to his Face, and harden their Hearts against io.i3.13im, Wherefore loth the wicked contemn God
Ebe CoUertant of prate OpeneD. Be faith in his heart, thou wilt not require it ; They fear him not, they atheiftically deny his Providence, nay, his very being; or with at 'call there was no Cod. And all this is the fruit and area of Man's Rebellion or of his Firft Sin. Ii. As this in part Pets out the Nature of this fearful Breach by reafon of Sin on Man's part ; fo alto hereby God is become an Ene- my to Man ; and hence David faith, TF,ß face of the Lord is againft them that do evil, to J°- 4 cut off the remembrance of them from the Earth. Some conceive b" the Face of God here, is meant his Anger, becaufe Anger difcovers it felf in the Face ; others think by the Face of God in this place, is meant all his Attributes, his ufiice, Wifdom, Power, Holinefs, &c. are fet againít them. 2. G O D is faid to abhor the ungodly, the c5 wicked boafteth of his hearts defire, and blefeth the covetous whom the DM abborreth. This is an amazing Text, and enough to terrifie all greedy Woridlings, or covetous Perfons, and . fuch that commend and biefs them. True, all Sinners are abhorred upon the account of Sin, yet none more hated and abhorred than the covetous Perfon ,is, Covetau nefi is Ido- latry. 3. It is faid, That God is angry with the rfft.7. r wicked every day, if he return not he will whet his 12, I3- Sn?ord, he bath bent his bow, and made it ready, he bath alfo prepared for him the infiruments of Death, he bath drawn his Sword, his Bow is bent, and his Arrows are on the firing ready to hoot. Ah ! Who is able to Encounter with finch an Enemy,
14 VieDtfp!ap .Of Oforato O ateI Or, Enemy, or to ftand before his Indignation. 4. He hash laid all Mankind, as confidered in the Firft Adam, under the Curfe of the Law, Gal. 3;10. Curfed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the Book of the Law to do them ; yea, the. Elea themfelves by Nature' are .kph. 2. 2, Children of Wrath as well as others : All the World is become guilty before God; fuch is the Nature of the Breach through Man's Sin and Difobedience in breaking the Lawof the Firft Covenant. oh.3. 36. 5. The Wrath of God abides upon all them that believe not : Brethren, the Sentence is paff upon all the whole Race of Mankind, in the Firm Adam, even the Sentence of Ever- yoh.3. i8. laffing Death : They are all condemned al- ready, tho the Sentence is not prefently exe- cuted. The iazsfe IV. PropofLion : That the Breach betwixt ofthegreat God and Man, was occafioned by the violati Breach be- of the Firft Covenant which God entered sixr God . and Man, into with Adam, as the Common or Publick Head and Reprefentative of all Mankind ; which Covenant was a Covenant of Works ; fay, God gave a Law, or entered into a Co- venant of Works with the Firft Adam and his Seed, and in that Covenant he gave him- feif to be our God, even upon the ffric`f and fevere condition of perfell Obedience, perfonally to be performed bá Man himfelf, with that Divine Threatning of Death and Wrath if Gen. 2.17. he broke the Covenant, In the Day thou eateft thereof thou (halt firel die. Yet forme may doubt (as one obferves) whether this was a Co- Petro.
Colman= ofd* race Opcneri+ Covenant of Works, becaufe here is only a threatning of Death upon his Difobedience to this one pofitive Law. Anfrv. (But as he well obferves) ` Man in Anfw° his Firft Creation was under a Natural Ob- ligation to univerfal compliance to the Will of God, and fuch was the Rectitude of his Nature, it imports an exaa Conformity to the Divine Will, there being an infcription of the Divine Law upon Adam's heart, which partly hall remains, or is written in the hearts Pom.2.14, of thevery Gentiles (tho muchblur'd) which is i 5 Fi 3 that light which is in all, or that which we call 19, 20. The light of .Nature. £i 4.13,14 Tho evident it is that Godafterwards more Ie x'13 Hb . t6. clearly and formally repeated this Law of F 8:77, g, Works to the People of Ifrael, it being writ- E5 9. . ten into Two Tables of Stone, tho not given in that Miniftration of it for Life, as before it was to Adam ; yet as fogiven, it is by St. Paul fre- quently'called theOld Covenant, and the Cove- nant ofWorks, which required perfe& Obedience of all that were under it, totheir Juftification at Gal. 3'19° God's Bar, and fo made Sin appear exceedingfin- f il, and tended to aggravate Man's Guilt and Mifery /upon his Confcience, tho the Deífn of God hereby was to difcover untoMan howuna- ble he was in his Fallen State to fulfil the Righte- kor.5.e0. o!4fefsof God, that fo that Law, together with Fj 3 '9 theTypes andSacrifices, might be Schoolmaf-er C s. 3 to lead us to Chrift. Gal. 3.24, Now in that Miniftration of the Firft Cove- nant given to Ifrael when they carne out of Egypt, there feemed to be a mutual Contra& and
.. f I 6 ebc Dtfp1ap of 1 10 tottO 32fCC : Or, and Stipulation betwixt God and them, God enjoin'd perfea, univerfal and continual Obedience of them, and they promifed and covenanted formally fo to do. 2. Brethren ! Pray confider, The Firft Covenant required Perfect Righteoufnefs ofMan as the condition of his Juftification; dre. and that not enjoined by the Holy God as a Pimple ad ofhis Sovereignty (as force conclude) but as it refulted from his Holinefs, and the Reaitude of his Nature ; It being inconfiftent with the Juftice, Holinefs or Purity of God's Nature, to juftifie any Manwho is not perfeCiy righteous, or wholly without fin, even in Thought, Wordand Anions. 3. That Adam before the Fall had Power to anfwer this Covenant of perfect righteoufnefs, and whichhe was obliged to do ; yet had no Surety to engage to God for him. 4. Moreover, he breaking this Covenant (as you have already heard) he was utterly undone, and all his Of-fpring in him, and his Credit being loft for ever with God, the Lord will not Treat with him any more, nor enter into any Terms of Peace without a Surety, and that too upon the Foundation ofa better Co- venant, or not at all. No meer V. Propoftion. That there was none Man nor in Heaven nor Earth , I mean neither Angel Men nor Angels, that could make up that our make Breach which Sin hath made between God and Man. And as no Man nor Angel could do it, fo noRepentance, noTears, tho Tears of Bloud, no Reformation, nor any Sacrifice, no not a .Thoufand Rams, nor Ten Thoufand Rivers
Elie' oibeumt of puceOpenct'. Rivers of Oil, nor the fruit of the Body. I fay none of thefe could atone for the Sin of the Souls or makeour Peace with God. It is not enough for a Man to fay, he will fin no more, for he bath finned, and ftands obliged to God to pay Ten Thoufand Talents, and yet bath not one Farthing to repay ; neither will God forgive one Rebel or any Debter the lean Mite, as a fimple of of Mercy, but doth require a Full Satisfaftion for the whole Debt. Moreover , Man is both a Debter and a Criminal. VI. Propoftion, That God prefenteth him- COcern-, felf not as an unreconcilable Enemy, for tho irg God's he be yuft, yet he is gracious ; Mercy and fovereign Goodnefs are a like glorious Attributes, or Pro: in the dif , p perties of his Nature, as Yutice, Holinefs, Girá ace Yet the Difplay of his Favour, Love, Mercy and Goodnefs, ought to be considered with refpea had to his abfolute Sovereignty. He was, my Brethren, No more obliged to inag- nifie his Mercy in a Surety and Saviour to Mankind, than he was to the Fallen Angels; he had not been unjuft if all Adam's Poficrity had been call into Hell, and not one Soul Pa- ved ; as he is not unjuft in throwing all the fallen Angels into Hell for ever, without affording one of them any Relief, Redemption, or hope of Recovery; neither is he obliged to fave the whole Lump of Mankind, either in a way of Juftice or Mercy, becaufe he is pleafed to fave a remnant of them. God was at the libertyof his Will whether he would make this World or not ; it was, I mean, the only Aa of his
Zbe Dtfplap ofOlogouo 1;115ace : or, Sovereignty ; its atual exiífence in time, was according to his abfolute Decree and Purpofe from Everlafting ; and according to his abfo- lute Sovereignty he governs and difpofes of all things, and may do what he will with his .D2n.4.22. own : All Nations tremble before him, whom he wo-tld heflew, and whom he would he kept alive. The mosi High doth according to his Will in the Pip. 5'19' Armies of Heaven, and among the Inhabitants of the Earth, and none canflay his hand, or fay unto him, what doff thou ? So he bath mercy upon xnd.4.s r whom he will have mercy, and co+rpaf ion on m`9'I7' whom he will have compaffion, and whom he will he hardened). He called Abraham, and reveal- ed himfelf to him, and let the molt of Man- kind in his days remain ignorant of him as to Salvation by jefus Chrift : He alfo entred into a Covenant with the Seed. of Abraham, and gave them his Laws and Ordinances, he did not do fo to any other Nation : And inGof- pel Times he called a few poor and illiterate Filhermen, and filch like Perfons, and let the Phariftes and Learned Rabbins remain under the power of Sin and Satan ; and all this as the aft of his own abfolute Sovereignty, and Good Pleafure of his Will, as our Lord íheweth, At that time efus an/liveredandPaid, I thank thee áat' 11' O Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth becaufe 25 25' thou haft hid theft things from the wife rindprudent, and haft revealed them to Babes : Even fo Father, for fo it feemed o ood in thy fadht. So now, at this day, he fends the Gofpel into one Nation, and not into another ; and then alfo in fuck Nations where the Gofpel s
CCije Coiienattt ofpeace Opener'. is Preached, it is but here and there clearly Q.pened ; Nay, and many who come under the powerful Miniftration of the Gofpel, have it only come unto them inWord, that which is the favour of life unto life to fome, is the favour of i6 Death unto Death to others. Now from whence is all this ? but meerly from the Sovereignty of God, or good pleafure of his Will, for It is not of him that wilieth, nor ofhim that runneth, För2 9 . i6. but of God thatfheweth mercy. God's fpecial Love andEleCti.on is not from any Man's willing, or running ; it rifeth not from Natural Powers emproved, not fromhis Delires, Good Deeds, or Good Inclinations, clap,9, i i or from the fore-fight of his Faith and Obe- dience ; but from and of God's meer Mercy, 0 II. 5,6 Sovereign Grace and Favour : The Truth is, to deny God to have the power of his own MO 3.5` Free AC1 in difpenfing his own Sovereign Bounty, is to Eclipfe his Glory, and to ren- der him to have lefs Sovereign Power than that which he hath given, and alloweth to Mankind: May not a Man thew his Favour and, Goodnefs in redeeming a few Captives, out of a Multitude, who wilfully brought therfelves into Bondage, but he muff redeem them all, or be unjuff. ? Or cannot a Mangive a bountiful Gift toOne or Two poor Men in a Parilh, but he mull= bellow like Bounty to all the Poor in the laid Parifh ? Or, can't a King contrive and enter into a Covenant of Peace for a few Rebels that have ( with a Multitude of others) taken up Arms againíf him, but he muff be charged with Irjullice, C ì be-
20 á ,:: large on this Pro- po:ition when I preached this Serb Efie 3.Difpiap of eíogou3Ogice : Or, becaufe he did , not extend like Favour in the Paid Covenant to them all ; fure, no Man, is his right Senfes, will deny him this Liberty Andnow Shall not GOD have like power to difpenfe his Sovereign Grace to whom he pleafeth, who is faid to do all things according to the pleafire of his own, Will, and eternal purpof in. 7í fus Chrift ? Propofition VII. And from 'hence it appear- eth, That t^e Covenant of Peace is the Covenant of Grace. For tho the Covenant of Peace, in refpet had to Chriit, as our Medi.atour, Head and Surety, was upon the Condition of his Merits ; vet as to the Defign, End and Purmon,yet .t pole of it, in refpea of tis, it was only an a& frail refer of Pure Grace ; hence faid to be according to at this Head to ago- the good pleafure of his Will, Ephef. r . 5. And ,on: to the praife of the glory of his Grace, v. 6. oh. 5.16. I . It was the FreeGrace of God the Father to vouchftfe us a Subftitute, a Saviour, a Mediator of this Peace, and to Choofe, Ordain and Appoint his own Son to be the Perfon, and to accept him in our Read. Oh ! What Favour is this ? God fo loved the World &C; 031 3.1 6 2. And it was the Free Grace of God the Son to engage himfelf to the Father, to enter into this Covenant to make our Peace; the Glory of Both Perfons equally thine forth to the amazement of all in Heaven and Earth, Zach. 6.1 3 the Coitnfel of Peace was between them both. 3. Nay, my Brethren, the Free and Rich Grace of God. in this Covenant is to be adored, even as to the Main and Ultimate End and Deign thereof, ..N-ct accardinAA to our Works,
efje Cobettant of Prue epedteD. 2 r Works, but according to his own Purpofe andGrace, which was given to us in Chrift before the World 7ám."9 began. The whole Contrivance, Foundation and Rife of thiCovenant of Peace, is of love, and Grace ; Neither do we 'receive any Grace fromGod in Time, but as it refults from the. Covenant of Peace made with us in Chrit he fore all Time ; But this I purpofe to enlarge upon further when I come toopen the nature ofthe Covenant. Propo ition VIII.. And as the Covenant of Peace is the Govenant of Grace ; fo it refults from God as an aft of 'Infinite Mercy ; It is therefore a merciful Covenant ; it was not made with-Alan confidered in his State of In-4 nocency ; for Man, as fo confidered, could not be the Objeei of God's Mercy ; for tho God appeared verygood and gracious to us in our Firm Creation,. and as we came out of his Hands, and that many ways ; Yet filch was our Happy State, that we (Food then in no needof Mercy ; for where Mercy is (hewed, .it is to filch that are in Mifery ; but before Man fell he knew no Mifery, Pain or Sorrow ; but when God firft ca(F his Eyes upon us, and en- tered into this Covenant of Peace with his own Son for us, he faw us lie in our Blond, and fallen under, his Divine Wratk and -An- ger ; and this indeed the very name òf..the Coy venant of Peace Both import : There was no need of Peace had there not been a War, or a fearful Breach between God and us ; and that this Covenant refults from God's great Mercy, read again my Text, Saith Phe . Lord C 3 that
beOifptap of elogOIUO OlCC; Or, that bath mercy on thee. God forefaw us caft out like a wretched Infant in the day ofits Na- tivity, whofe Navel was not cut, neither wafted in Water, nor fatted, nor froadlec rat all ; andwhat Both God fay more, None Eye pitied thee to do any of thefe things for thee, but thou waft caft out in the open Field, to the loathingof thy pertn in the day thou waft born. This was the time of his Love, and alfo of his Pity and tenderMer- cy; Andwhen Ipaired by thee I faro thee polluted in thine own bloud, ver. 6. that is, when hewas firft concerned for us, in this Covenant of Peace, and entered into that holy Compaa with his own Son : Behold, thy time was a time of love, and I f read my Skirt over, and cover- ed thynaked_nets ; yea, and Ifware unto thee, and entered into Covenant with thee, faith the Lord, and thou becameft. mine. This was the time of God's entering into Covenant with his Elea, viz, it was with them in Chrift, and what of this is a&ually accomplilhed on us in Time, in our own Perfons, is but the execution of all that Grace, Pity and Mercy manifelted to us in Chrift fromEternity ; he then 'hewed his Eternal Purpofe of Compaf'ion towards his Chafen, and he then faid in his blefred Cove- pant to them live. I fhould now proceed to the next general Plead but 'hall fay no more at this time.
Ebe Cobertattt of peace openeO. SERMON II. I S A. Liv. x. the laft part ofthe Verfe. Neither (ball the Covenant- of my Peace be removed, faith the Lord that bathmercy on thee. DoEt.THAT there is a Covenant of Peace made and agreed on, and fl-andetb firm in behalf ofall the Elect of God. The lait Day we fpoke to thofe Explana- tory Propofitions propofed to be opened by way of premife. Andnow toproceed to the next General Head. Secondly, I fhalil endeavour to open the main or chief tranfattions about the bringing in this Covenant of Peace. There are my Brethren, Six Things to be eonfidered in a Covenant of Peace among Men, and fo alfo in and about this Covenant. I. ATreaty, or a Solemn Confultation, or a Treating about the Terms ofPeace. II. An Agreement upon the Terms propofed. III. Who the Mediator is of this Covenant of Peace, together with his Work and Office. IV. The Ratification of the Covenant. V. The Proclamation or proclaiming thePeace, VI. The Time when the Peace (hall commence,. and who are included in it, and what is required 3
24 ije DttPiipof diogotlo 0;acc or, in order to their a7rlal poffeffion and enjoyment thereof My Brethren, Thefe are the main things that are contained in, and about a Covenant of Peace among Men, as the chief Covenant Tranfa±ions ; and my Purpofe is to fpeal un- to there Six things particularly: Tho I grant there is force différence between a Covenant of Peace. between Kingdoms and States among Men, and this Covenant ; efpecially concern- ing the Work of the Glorious Mediator of this Covenant, and a Mediator of Peacecon- cluded between Earthly Princes and States : As we, God aílifling, thall make appear. But. to proceed : I, Concerning the Treaty, or Treating a- bout this Covenant. MyBrethren, Common, ly Princes and States appoint their Extraor- dinary Embaf%adors or Plenipotentiaries to Treat about the Terms upon which they defign and are willing to conclude a Peace after a ruin- ous and deitru&ive War : They donot Treat about it in theirown Perfons ; but the Trea- ty of Peace in this Covenant was only be tween God the Father, and God the Son; Sin- ners then had no aaual Being, or did not exift, and therefore could not fend any Ple- nipotentiary to agitate Matters on their be- half. It is true, Our Lord Jefiis Chrilt is called MefTnger of the Covenant whom rve delight in, lie is indeed our Delegate, Me.íl'enger or Trufte.e; iput the Father nlone, aád not we Pe-
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