iv To the R E A D E R. ffration of the Spirit, and with Power, i Cor. 2. 4 Imay fay of forne Mens Orations, or Elocutions, as Plutarch fpeaks of the Nigh- tingale, who was at first- taken with his delicate .. V tes, but when he faw him faid, Thou art a Voice and. nothing elfe. But alas, fence the Sacred Scripture it f;lfcan't cfcape force Mens Centre, as if the Stile eras rude and unpolifhed, {th(y being dcilitute of that Spirit which gave them forth;) What can I expect to meet with from tech? Reader, The great Yoy thatgencralÿ appeared amongst all People upon the Conclufion of the late Peace, put me upon Preaching on this Subjett andwhen Ifound fo great a Number ofBooksSub- f ribedfor, I thought I had a Call to Print and Publifh them, which ryas the leas`1- of my Thoughts when Ifïrit entered upon this Work : And indeed I greatly fear, many will fee their Expetation f ruftrated, (Imean furl) who didnot hear the Ser- mons Preached, but onlyhad forcefmall account of them,) yet they knowing the Author, I mayfee cat-=fe to retal what I fpeak of my Fears. Imuß confif, divers Worthy and Learned Men have wrote moft excellently upon the Covenant of Grace, yet perhaps hardly any in the Method here ufed., nor under the Notion of a Covenant of Peace=- --Inforce things thou wilt find that 1 do differ from many Learned Men, who make the Covenant of Redemption, a diftint Covenant from that ofPeace and Reconciliation, yet I de- fire thee to read- the tenthSermonbefore thou judg- eft