ebe Cannant ofpeace Opeticti, 79 a hard cafe, my Brethren, that thefe degene- rate Presbyterians, or any pretending to be Gofpel-Preachers, fhould deny Chrift to be a Common Head and Surety for theElea ; forhe that dies in the ftead and roomof others, is by the confent of the Law-giver fubftituted in their Law place, and fo takes upon him the Ca- pacity of a Surety, Reprefentative, or common Perfon, undertaking to do, and f Iffer what others fhould, but thefe Men deny this Rela- tion or Capacity of Chrift as a Surety, in this Senfe,and thereforedenyhe obeyed and died in our ftead. And from hence it follows alto that Chrift did not do that for us, which our own Perfea Obedience did do, whilst Man flood, and would have done, had he not finned, i. e. Juftifiedhim,orhave given him a Title to Life. 3. Moreover, if Chrift was not put in our Law place, as our Reprefentative and Surety, Why no he made of a Woman, and made under Gal. the Law ? Was it not that the Law. might reach him? (f.)As to its commandingPoweras our Surety, topay the Debt of Perfea Obedience thereunto, (2.) And as a Sinner, in a Law Senfe, to die, or be made Sin for us, (that is by Imputa- tion ;) for had not he been under the Law, the Law could not have reached him in either fenfe; i. e. either to do or filffer, andhad not he tookour Law place upon him, we could not have been the better ; for what could his tak- ing our Nature on him have profited us, had he not beenfub*îtuted in our room ? But as we were obliged by the Law, Jurtice, and Hoff- nçfs 4