Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698 Oa021.4., Ebe Colaenant of peace Own+ bellow upon his Elea from everlafting. There being fach things requitte tobe done in order hereunto, which God well knew we were not able toperform, i. e. the Satisfalion of his luftice, or Pay4ñent of all our Debts, and Vi&ory over all our Enemies, and that this Covenant might not be broken, as the firft was. My CovenantJhall Rand fall in him. Pf89.23. 5. Suretifhip imports, that the Obligation be free andvoluntary, for the Law forces none to bea Surety, or to engage for others. My Brethren, tho God , chofe Jefus Chrift tobe the Surety of this Covenant for us, yet Chrift as a maft free and voluntary aci on his part, undertook that Office, for that Law we hadbroke, laid no Obligationon him, norwas he under any neceffityof Nature to undertake herein, becaufe he was the Son of God, bùt it is afcribed wholly to his Infinite Love and Goodnefs, and as a Sovereign A& of his own Free Grace, to undertake for Man, and not for Angels, and alfo only for force of the loft Sonsof Adam, andnot forall : No Man taketh my Life from me, but I,lay it down freely ; have power to lay it dawn, and Ihave power to take it up again. Lo, I come in the Volume of ,the Hebio. Book, it is written of me to do thy mill, 0 7 Cod. 6. Suretifhip imports not only a voluntary Obligation for others, or for another : but al- fo Union of Parties, or Affumption of the Condition of that Perfon or Debtor: In a Law fence itdenotes a°Feederal, or Law Uni- on, the Surety and the Debtor are but one Party ;