Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

cDifpiapof'fogotto 0/ace : Or, Party; yet not fo, but that it is the Surety that pays ; it is his Money, and not the Deb- tors. MyBrethren, Chrift, byvertue of his Sure - tifhip, didnot only takt our Sins upon him, but our Nature, and put himfelf in our Law- Gal. 4.4. place, he took our Condition upon him : He was made of a Woman, made under the Law to redeem them. Objetî. I know it is obje&ed, IfChrift and theElegy are but one Party, and that his Righteouf- nefs be ours, i. e. imputedto us, or that he did, and fuff `eyed all in our ftead, thenwe areour own Savi- ours ; we are Mediators, as having a Mediator's Righteoufnefs. Clarkfon, Anf. This (as one well obferves) follows P.248. not; ` for theymay as well argue the Debtor is theSurety, becaufe his Surety's Payment is ` accepted for him. Obje&. Again they obje&, If Chrift our Stray and we are one, and that his Righteoufnefs is ours, thenwe are as Righteous as Chrift. Anf. They may as well affirm tie Bankrupt is as rich as his Surety, becaufe his Surety pays his Debts. 7. ASurety loth not only ingage for Deb- tors, but alfo fometimes for Criminals. Thofe that Chrift became Surety for in the Covenant of Peace, to Reconcile toGod, and to Redeemfrom Sin and Hell, were Criminals, and not only Debtors; we all defervedDeath, andwere under the Sentence thereof. The Evangelifts render the Words, Sins, and Debtspromifcuoufly, . as Luke a i . . coin- pared