92 ILODtfDtapofOIo#otto Owe: Or, God will not, cannot inpoint of Jufliceand Righteoufnefs exaaSatisfaaion ofanySinners, forwhomChriít became a Surety, andbath fa- fied; for i. e. they cannot fufaer in Hell, but thall all in due timebe actually difcharged and acquited, and the Law Sentence taken off of them : For no fooner are their Eyes opened, or are illuminated by the Spirit, but they plead, that their Surety hath paid all for them; he hath paid their Debt of perfect Obedience, and hath alfo born all that Vindictive Wrath and Vengeance that was due to them for their Sins ; IPet.2.24. Who ways delivered forour Offences, and was rai- IA 53. 6,fed again for our Yuflification : The Lord laid on î, 8. him the Iniquities of us all. WhyChrii 4, II. Why did Chrifl- become a Suretyfor us, and became ourput his Hand to the Covenant ? Surety, I Becaufe his Love and Bowels were filch to God's Elect, his Love conftrained him thus to do. 2. Becaufe he would readily comply withhis Father's Will, Defign, and Purpofe herein, which was to exalt his Infinite Grace and Di- vine Goodnefs toMankind. 3. It was to raife the Honour, or caufe all the Divine Attributes to .thine forth in their equal Glory, and meet together in his Work and Undertakings as Mediator and Suretiíhip, -in fweet harmony. 4. Becaufe he would magnifie God's Law, and make it honourable But more of this hereafter. . 5. Becaufe he (knew God would not other- wife enter intoa Covenant of peace, to fave loft