Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

98 Ctje Dtfpíap ofeiogottokt5ace z or, that is upon thee, and my Words which I have put into thy Mouth, fhall not depart out of thy Mouth, nor out of the Mouth of thy Seed, nor out of the Mouth of thy Seeds Seed, from henceforth and for ever. 8. Chrift hath engaged to confirm us to the cnd ; this heundertook as our Surety, it was God's Promife to him, He (hall fee his Seed : This was prornifedtohimupon what he was to do, and fulfer; and Chrift, I fay, hath enga- cor. .9. gedas our Surety toconfirm us ; Whofhatl con- firmyou to the end ? God is Faithful, by whom ye were called unto the Fellowlhip of his Son Jefus Chrift our Lord. Jefus Chrift, by vertue of this Covenant, was to have manyCompanions, or fellow Heirsof Glory, and God's calling us, is the first FoundationA& in God, of perfor- .mance of this Covenant with Chrift, and to us in him : The Father is as much bound and obliged,tokeep us, as Chrift is ; becaufeofthat Price he hath received for us by Chrift, which he accepted of in this Covenant of Peace. 9. Chrift was obliged, as our Surety, not to lofe one of them, which the Father gave him ; .foh.6.39. And this is theFather's Will that fent me, That of all which he bathgivenme, Ifhould lofe nothing, but fhould raife it up at the loft Day. This is as if our Lord thould have faid, The Father'sWill and Covenant made withme is, That I. lhould not lofe one of his Ele&. Charneck. The Father (as oneobferves) promifed three things to the,Son in' this Covenant, upon what he was to do and fuffer. ì. His