Ebe eabcitant of Peace petteti, sur Sins, doth it not follow, that he ways Surety of See M'. the Covenant ofWorks ? And how then is it faid, "D' t ;' &. Mr. ifs He waís Surety of a better Covenant ? Vindicat. z Anfw. Tho Chrift was obliged,as our Sure-p. 145, ty, to fulfil the Covenant ofWorks, or ofpert fea Obedience ; yet he was not Surety of the W Covenant of orks,becaufe he did not under- take, that we fhould perfeecly keep theLaw in our own Perfons,which he muff: have done, had he been Surety of the Law of Works, but that he would keep that Law for us ; and therefore it was another andbetter Covenant. 2. The Covenant of Works was made be- twixt God and Man, without a Surety; the Covenant of Grace is made betwixt God the Father, and Jefus Chrift as our Surety for us ; therefore another and betterCovenant. Thefe Men plead for a Covenant of Grace made betwixt God and us, difiinc`l' from the Covenant of Redemption ; which, Chrift, as our Surety, engagedthat we (hall keep the. New Law of Faith, and fncere Obedience ; Chrift having abolifhed the Law of perfç& Obedience, and merited this mild Law, r Anfw. Tho the Law as a Covenant of Works, Do this and Live, is taken away ; yet as a Law, or Rule of perfe& Obedience, it remains for ever: As the Reverend Mr. aof, bath fullyproved. . 2. As to their New Law, it brings in Ju- ftification by Works ; and filch Works too, that are attended withSin, or Imperfections and therefore their Dotrine is to beabhorred. H 3 See