Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

tit Dtf ict' of etogotto ,ace * or,' So that our Difcharge through the Satisfa&i on of thrift, muff needs primarily and origi- nally :flow out of pure Grace, Favour, Love and Pityof God to us. Had Man found the Surety, it had been. otherwife. 2. I3ecaufe the Surety being the only begot- ten Sonof God, it is a farther Demonftration of InfiniteLove and Favour to us, in that God fhould fubíititute him in our Read, and difpence with the rigorous Aaion of Satisfa&ion from us, and take it from our Surety, as put in our aw-place. 3. Becaufe God, that he might work about our Difcharge, ina way ofGrace and Mercy, to theHonour of his Juftice, arc. made his own $on a Sacrifice for our Sins. 4. Becanfe that Intereft we have in that Re- demption, Pardon, Peace, and Reconciliation by Chriíf's . Undertakings, is freely bellowed on us, as anAd of God's Sovereign Grace.and Goodnefs, for as Chrift purçhafed all Grace Tor us, fo as an Adof God's Favour, and Chrifi's Purchafe and Merits, he gives us the Spirit and Faith, in order to our a&nal Intereft inall Co- venant Bleílîngs ; fo that altiio it all is ina way of Juftice as toChrift, yet it is all in a way of Mercy and Free-Grace as to us. 5: In that Godaccepted of Chrift as a Sure7 ty for us who deferved no Pity, we having n ìlfuilyA forefeited our van Inheritance, and were become his Vile Enemies, and rebels a- ain- him,'