. EbcCobs-taut ofPeaceOpencti, 1,13 our fure Right and Title to all Blegings con-. tamed therein :, Tho it be but a Man's TeitamentG1.3.15' yet if it be confirmed no Mandifanul,letb, or ad- deth thereunto The Covenant was in force even from Oie Beginning ; and all God's. Elect who lived under the Old Teftument Difpenfation, received. the Grace and Blef- fings thereof, through Faith inChrift's Death, who they knew would come in he ful- nefs of time., and by his BlOod confirm this Covenant : The Father, indeed, =fled the Son upon his Holy Compa&or Covenant with him, upon the account of what he was to do, and fuffer in time. Pray, Brethren, obferve, That the DeathofChrift, is the great and fure Ratificationand Confirmationofthe Covenant of Peace. . It is a Confirmation of filch Vali- dity,,. that it is made unalterable,- and cannot be U.-annulled. To proceed, there are Beloved, feven or bight things to be confide-red in the Death of Chrift. I. The Death of Chrift put an end to, or The great' abrogated the Old Covenant; He took away Endsofthe- the firft, that he might eftablifh the fieond---. Death of Having abolilhed in hic Flefh the Enmity, Chrift the Law ofCoimpandment,s contained in (,rd;nan-Pk'e" ces for to make in himfilf of twain, one _New Fp» 3,15,, Man, fi) making Peace : The firmWill, or Co- venant is madevoid by the fecond, i. e. by the Lait Will and Teftament nor is the Ceremo- nial Law only abolithed, but the Moral Law. as a Covenant of Works, Do this and Live ; not as it is a Law requiring perfe& Obedience on