Ebe Colamat of Prime Opertezi, 2. The Law or Light within all Mankind, reveals nothing of it, tho that convias of Sins yet it reveals nothing of a Saviour. The Moral Law andLight, in all, difcovers a God, but no Chrift, no Mediator : What loth the Pagan World knowof this Covenant of Peace ? Or of this Mediator, or of this Proclamation? What will thofe Arch Here- ticks fay to this, who Talk of the Light within, and boldly affirm, That they should have known' by a Chrift within, as much as they do now, if the Word had never beenwritten; But why then do not the poor Indians, and Pagans know it, who have the fame Light in them ? And why can't they tell us, What thofe other things are that Yef Chriib 10,6.21.25 .did, that are not written? Believe them not : Thefe things are written, that ye might believe loh.2o. that `,jefus vs the Chrifl-, and that believing, ye 30,31. night have Life through h16 Name : Thefe He- reticks deny not only the Chrift of God, but the only Rule of our Faith and Praaice alfo. 3. Certainly here is goodNews to you Sin- ners who hear me this Day; I am appointed by the Lord to proclaim Peace to you in this Place ; and do afire yon, in the Nameof my Great Lord and Mailer Jefus Christ, that if you come in, and i. e. believe in him, ye shall have Eternal Life, tho you have been long Enemies to God, ye Stout-hearted, and a;. f ¡fa. 46 from Righteoufnefs, or tho never fo Vile and 1, 13. Notorious Sinners, Grace, Pardon, andPeace is offered freely to you this Day, Without Mc- K ney, T29