136 c Difpiap of OIo touo 0/acc Beware of 6. Not fuch that deny his Humanity, or af- nne Math. firm, that he tooknot Flefh of the Virgin, be- úíten> á ing neither true Godof his Father's Subitanee, rank He- nor true and real Man of the Subftance of his r-etick. Mother. Il. Affirmatively, they are fuch that Chrift bath Regenerated, and gracioully Qalified, by giving them. Graceand Minifferal Gift, and are alfo authorized by him, to proclaim the Covenant of Peace. Let me open this a little. Every Ambaffador muff have a Regular Miffion, or be Authorized, or Impowered, be- fore he can be imployed in that high Place and Rom.io. "Tuft : And fo it is here, Hom'hail they Preach 75. except they be font ? That is, duly, or authori- tatively, and to the Profit of the People. And, z . They ought to be Converted Perfons and alfo to be Members of fome true Church . or Churches of Jefus Chrift, and Bapti- zed Perfons; for Chrift himfelf, till he was Baptized, did not enter upon the Workof his Miniffry. 2. They muff pats the Probation of that Church, with whom they are Members, and receive a Regular Call from them to Preach God's Word. 3. Moreover, they that are regularly called and authorized, and everyways compleat and A1.13.3. orderly Amballàdors, muff be Ordained by I Tim. 4. Prayer and Impofition of Hands, by the Elder- i4. fnip. III. An .Ambaflàdor is a Perfonof Eminency and Honour`in his Prince's Sight, they repre- lent their Prince's Perfon á fo is Chriff's true, and