Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

x TheTABLE. , 44011.e-.010.7 Chrift our Covenanting-Party, or Repre.. fentative in this Treaty ; {hewing why he is called the 1Mefrenger of the Covenant, in 4 Re- fpeecs, p.z5,26. Secondy, Why a Mediator was chofen, and the Neceffity thereof, opened in 6 ParticĂ­l- lars, 1135136. The Son of God did actually confent to anfwer all thofe Propofals made by the Fa- ther, p.30. Chrift the Mediator muff be God, he muff be Man, he muff be God-man, p. 38. to 42. What a Mediator lignifies, And how Chrift was qualified ; with his whole Work and Office, in 9 Partic. p.41.55. SERM. III. Further opening Chrift'sWork as Mediator, ins particulars, which makes the whole 14, P.5 7, 58,&c. The Application, p.62,63,64. The Offices of Chrift,King, Priest, andPro- phet, trc. opened, p. 66. to 74. The Baxterian Errors what, and alto An- fwered ; Chrift paid our Debts as a Surety; andnot asa Priest, p.71. Mr. Clark's Errors detetecl, a Grand Bax- terian, p. 77. to 84. SERM. W. The Suretifhip of Chrift opened in eight, Things, p.84,85. TwoGrand Obje&ions Anfwered, p.9o. . What Suretifhip imports, p, 89. 2. Why