Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

154 Ebe Dtrptapof etOatto %,% Alte + Or, Meek,he bathfont me to bind up the Broken-hearted, to proclaim Liberty to the Captives, and the open- ing the Prifon to them that are bound-------To proclaim the acceptable Year of the Lord, &c. or the Year of the Great Jubilee : The Sinner is told, his Debts are paid, requiring him to be- lieve this ; nay, Proclamation is made of Free Soh. 3. 141 Pardon, to all that believe, 7 hat they (hall not 15,16.36. p.eri (h, but have LverlaftingLife ; and that God hath received the uttermoft Farthing of our vaft Debt, and that Chrift hath receiveda Dif- charge, as our Surety for all the Elea ; and that he hath not donewhat he did in part, or by halfs, but that it is fully, wholly, and compleatly done, and that for ever ; our Faithadding nothing to that Satisfa&ion : The Gofpel doth not proclaim. a Conditional Peace, or Reconciliation, or that God is only_recon- cilable; fo that if the Sinner performs his part, Godwill be fully reconciled ; that is, if the Sinner repents, believes is Regenerated, or anfwers the Rule of the Promife, as fome 1peak. I know no fuch Conditional Gofpel, or Proclamation ; but thofe Conditions which jefus Chriif was toperform,which was not on- ly to reconcile God to us, but us /alfo toGod : Can that be the Condition of Life on our part which Chrift hath engaged in the Govenart to Job. io. z 6. do ? viz,. to bringus into a State of Peace; Thtm Jer3I.33 Imuff bring Nay, God hath promifed to 6ek. 36, give us a newHeart, and put a new Spirit in- 26. Ate, to us. Moreover, Chrift is exalted to be a Prince, and a Saviour, to give Repentance to Ifrael, and Remion of Sins. My