16o toeDifpIapofOto* 0t egice } Or, him : He made a PlenarySatisfa&ion to the Ju- face ofGod, for theSins ofthis whole Wórld, and obtained plenary Remiffion and Graceby ¡Pet.t.'S. his Blood, that we might be Redeemed from a vain Converfation : The Elea, before Calling, are as much the World as any others ; yea, and the befit part of it too. Moreover, by AMe- tonomy [All] is put for a part, frequently in job. .16. the Scripture. God fo loved the World, that he gave his only Begotten Son ; that is, God, ; fo lovedSinful Mankind, both gems and Gentiles, That whofoever believeth on him might not perifh, but have everlafling Life. Objea. We do not plead for an abfolute Vniver- fal Redemption, but for a Conditional one ; that is fo that if all Repent, alt Faith, are Regenera- ted, obey Chrifl., and are Holy and continue fo to the End, they fhall be faved. Anfw. Is this Gofpel ? Doth the Proclama- ,tionof Peace run thus ? 1. I argue then that Chrift is but a Conditi- onal Redeemer, andhath onlymade aConditi- onal Peace ; i. e. he made our Peace, and paid our Debts upon this Condition, viz,. That we Repent, change our own Hearts, or are Regenerated, and get Faith, and fincere Obe- dience, and continue Holy and Obedient to the end. 2. Moreover, this Notion of a Conditional Peace, and Redemption, renders our Salvation not to be of God's Free Grace alone, through that Redemption that is in- Jefus Chrift, but that we procure our Peace, or make it with God our felves, witty ou "r^ ov Money, i. e. by our