164 ebe D CpgaP of Oto gf-UW cit5 eia ; Or, ent to attain the End thereof : See a late p. 203. `T reaíife. Objea. If this be fo, why w the Proclamation fo Vniverfal :' z An f117. Becaufe no fort of Sins, nor Sin- ners by Name, are excepted, or exempted : Who can fay, he was not included in this Co- venant of Peace to whom the Gofpel comes ? 2. Becaufe Minifters know not but that eve- ry one to whom they Preach, may be compre-. hended in this Covenant, or in the Eleaion of Grace. 3. Becaufe if any fort of Sinners were ex- cepted, unlefs God Mould difcover them by Name, who were included, Multitudes might utterly defpair. g. The Proclamation doth not run to all otherwife than thus, viz. He that Believeth, he that comes to Christ, &c. or that believes the RecordGod hath given of his Son, or that receives the Atonement, or believes the Te- itimonyof the Gofpel : See Mark i 6. 16. Yoh. 3. 3S This brings me to the next thing. fourthly, What are the Terms upon which Peace :s- offered and proclaimed ? The Terms on which Peace is proclaimed, run thus, viz.. 1. That whofoever it vs that believeth, (hall The Terms be faved: True, if Faith was not the Gift of of the GoGod, but the Conditionagreed on, as required rpel opened of the Creature by his own power to ad and Epbef. r. exercife, it would not only be hard, but im- x9? poffible, becaufe Faith muff be wrought in our Hearts