Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

Vie Calley:wit Df 1,9tex . eprne, Hearts by the fame Power that raifed Chrift from the Dead ; but he that calls dead Lazarus to rife from the TJea.d, is able to quicken, and by his command n Voice, to rail:: the Soul, dead inSins and Trefpaílès:: The Gofpel in the EP h 2.2 Hand of the Spit it is a mighty hilt-went of Chrift's Powet prthe begetting or working of Faith in poor S1, 7 +_s. 2. The Proclamation runs to him that thirft- eth : Oh, every one that thirfleth come to the 1 a- 455.1, tens, &c. lefüs flood up and cryed, Ifany flan thirft, let him come to and : This thirft- ing may refer to thirftingafter Happinefs, de- firing to be Paved ; yet others think it is a Thirft begotten in the Soul by the Spirit ; from the fight and fenfe oftheExcellencies that Siners fee in Chrift, and the Necefl'ity of hiin, they delire and thirft after him, Faith draws Vertue from Chrift, but the Branch cannot draw Sap from the Root, until it is grafted into the Stock ; Faith is the Fruit ofthe Spirit, therefore the Seed mull be firft fown in our Hearts : And this originally proceeds from our fcederal Uni- on with Chrift, in the Covenant of Peace. And Secondly, by our Myftical Union with him by the Spirit ; for it is hereby Faith is wrought Can any thing but evil Fruit grow out of a wild and evil Stock, andRoot ? all Works be- fore Grace, are Dead Works, and profit us not. 3. TheTermsare to look toChrift ; Look to Jfa.41,22, me and be fzved, all ye Ends of the Earth : This is all one with Believing ; the ifraelites that were filingwith Fiery Serpents, were to look to M 3 the 165