Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

166 Zfle F.DífoiaV of (8-51opíottO 4,5nre Cr, the Brazen Serpent; fo Chrift is lifted up, that mhofoever looketh to him, or that believeth on 15. him, fhould not perifh, but have Everlaf ing Life. 4..'Tis made toall them that corne toChrift matt. a r Come to me all ye that labour,. nd are heavy la- 28. den, &c. All that the Father lialprigiven me, (hall Joh.6.37 corne unto me; and be that comdthf'tome, I will in no wife cafi out. 5. It runs to every one that hears, but it is Ira. 5 5.3. to fuch that hear ChrifisVoice ; Hear, andyour 5oh.5.3. Soulsfhall live :xfheDead !hall hear theVoice of the Son of God. It is alfo to every one that Iev.22! i 7 will, andwhofoever Will, let him take the Water of Life freely. Whofoever God bath inclined their gill, or madewilling to accept of Peace by Jefus Chrift : If any Soul believes in Chriff, thirfteth for Chriff, looketh to Chrift, or corn- ett) to Chriff, and yet Chrift rejeaeth him, then charge him with Injuftice : But where lives that Man, tho he was never fo Vile and Ungodly that did thus, but he found Mercy ? O fee how Free and Univerfal the Proclamati- on is ! Objea. 'Th not fo Free, but Vnbelief puts in a Bar. Anfm. A Sinful State is no Bar to the Power of God ; for what thoforce believe not, fhall their 40m.3.3. Vnbelief make the Faith of God of none Effell ? God forbid. Objeft. But Men muff be humbledfrft, before they come, and they mull- rc'r1wrince their Idols,