Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

IO ZtjeDtfptapof etogouo Or, SER.MONVIII. Shewing when the Covenant did Com- mence ; aifo the Nature of the Co- venant opened. I S A. Liv. x. Neither !hall the Covenant ofmy Peace be removed, faith the Lord that path mercy on thee. Doa. L HAT. there is a C'ovenant ofPeace, made or agreed on, andftandsfirm in the behalf of all God's Elea. The next thing under the Gérieral Head I am upon, I {hall as it were but mention, which is the Sixth thing propofid, viz. Q fie{t. When did the Covenant of Peace Com- mence, andwhoare included in it, andwhat is re- quired in order to their actual Pof Jeffon of the Peace, and Blefngs thereof ? i . The Covenant was made inEternity, but the time of its firft Commencement, was after our firft Parents had violated the Law of the firft Covenant. 2. But it did not fo fully commence in the ac`.tia`i difpenfation thereof, until Chrift put o.n end to theCovenant of Works; then it was (as