At- Viceaticnaat of WaceOpQneti, 171 (as you have heard) eftabliĆhed ; He took away the firfl, that be might efiablifh the fecund. II. As to thofe who were included in it ; they were all the Elea, or all, the Seed of Chrift, or all that he, as a publick Head, reprefented, and no more. True, the whole World receives many external Bleffings by virtue of it, (for the Elea fake ;) for Jefus Chrift is their Great Landlord, and Glorious Sovereign. The World is upheld by a new Title, i.e. from Chrift as Mediator ; for had not he interpofed between God and it, the whole vifible Fabrick doubt- lefs had been diffolved, and the whole Raceof Mankind loft for ever. III. That which is required, in order to a- aual Intereft in, and PofI'eion of the Sacred Bleflings ofthis Covenant, and thePeace there- of, is Union with Chrift : I will caufe you to Etek.2o. pafs under the Rod, andbring you into the Bonds 37. v f the Covenant. Under the Rod, God brings Sinners under Conviaions, that wounds like a Rod, and makes them pafs underthe Yoke, i.e. he Marries them to his Son, and fo brings them into the Covenant. Sinners, by Faith, take hold of this Covenant, and Chrift being given to them,they altogive themfelves tohim, to be his, and no more their own, but the Lords ; they take God to be their God, and Chrift to be their Saviour, and fo come to pot- ters the Bleirngs of the Covenant, and the Peace thereof. But no more as to this, I Ihall proceed to the thirdGeneral Head, Thirdly,