vie ealetnintDfPeace Opetieb. for us, and we in him. Hence the Apostle faith, That the Riihtc'nfnefs of the Law might Roy/0.3, to fulfilled in i : In us, Chrift and Belie- vers aré ifére reprefented but as one Pérfon becaufe what he did, we are faid todo in hirn ; Paul can't refer in this place to our inherent .Sanaificat on, for fo no Believer can fulfil the Law, becaufe his heft Works and Sanaificati- on are imperfea. 2. Moreover, whatfoever Duties God re- quires ofus as to our aaual Juftification, ire our own Confciences, and as to our San ifica- alfo, he bath promifed to give us his Spirit- to perform andwork in us. 1. He commands us to Believe and he bath promifed to give us Faith fo to do ; For Eph. 2.óa Faith u not of our felves, it is the Gift of God, toyou it is given not only to believe, &c. Phil.,.29. 2. He bath commanded us tomake us a new Heart, and he bath promifed to give us a new ETCk. 36. Heart, and to put a new Spirit into us. 26. 3. He commands us to love hiM, é?'c. and he bath promifed to Circumcife our Hearts fo to do, &c. V. The Covenant of Works laid all that broke it under God's denounced Wrath and Curfe, and admitted of no Mercy, of noFor givenefs, Heb. Io. 28. In the Covenant of Grace, Chrift bath born that Wrath andCùrfe; Hebath Redeemed Gal. 3.I` us from the Curfe of theLang beingmade á Curfe for us No doubt but under the Law he that was Hanged on a Tree, was not made a Curfe onlyPolitically, but alto Typically, as fignifying N 2 that 179