'so ej.Q ifpar of .;. toìí4ttOQLe or, that Curfe Chrift fhould be made on thebehalf of the Elea. And by being made a Curfe for us, he bore the Funifhment due tous for our, Sins, and fatisfied Divine Jultice fo that all our Sins, Heb.8.12. who do believe in Jefus, are in the Covenant of Grace forgiven for ever. VI.. The Covenant of Works, as to the Te- mire of it runs thus, i. e. Do this and live ; but the Covenant of Grace runs thus in the Te- A .16.13 nure of it, i, e. Believe and be faved ; Believe job.3.16 on the Lord hefts Chrift, and thou (halt be faved. The One puts Men upon working, or doing for Life ; the other puts them upon believing, . and working fromLife. The firft promifes Rewards for the Crea- tures Obedience, and threatens Wrath and Death for theCreatures Difobedience. The fecond promifes Rewards of Grace to Believers, for what Chrift hash done, or throughhis Merits ; and threatens Wrath for 1%0: 166 not believing, or for non-receiving of Free 16. Juftification through Chrift's Obedience, or Job.3.36. for refuting theonly Remedy, or for negle-- Heb.2.3, inn that great Salvation purchafed and merited by the , Lord Jefus. VII. The Covenant of Works reprefents God an Angry God, 'an Incenfed Judge, or as Het'. 12. a ConfnningFire. ult. But the Covenant of Grace reprefents God Matt.3.1 7 in Chrift, a Reconciled Father ; Thvs vS my ä.27.q, Beloved Son, inwhom I am well pleated ; Fury l's not in me : There is no Fury in God, noWrath, no