Ebe. Caben= of lpeace OpértcDo I rioCondemnation to any that believe, or that «9m. .T. are in Jefus Chriff. VIII. The Covenant, of Works confiffed all in Precepts, in Commands which were partly Moral, -and partly Ceremonial ; the latter be. ingnumerous, fome fpeak of more than three Hundred Precepts that were injoyned on the Peóple ; for tho the Ceremonial Law fhadow- ed the Gofpel, yet Paul counts it part of the firft Covenant : See Pleb. 9. i . Yet I deny nota but that therewas much Graceheld forth in it But the Covenant ofGrace,as to us, confifl- ethonly ofFree Promifes. Hence theEle& are called, The Children of the Promife Vnto Rom. 98. Abraham, and his Seed, were the Promifes made : Ga1.3.T6. Now we Brethren, as Ifaac mas, are Children ofGal.428. the Promife. And hence the Covenant of Grace is called, The Covenants of Promife. Eph.. 12. Note, 'Tis calledCovenants, in refpe&ofthe divers Revelations, or Declarations of it, as to Adam, .Abraham, David, &c. and as re- vealed in the Gofpel, tho it is but one and the fame Covenant : True, it may differ in force Accidents, but in Subflancc it was the fame, viz. Jefus Chriff promifed, and Free JuItifica- tion through him, Is the Law againft the Ga1.3.21. Promifes ? That is, Is the Law, as .given in Mount Sinai againff the Covenant of Grace ? Nó, but given in Subferviency thereunto ; or as leading to it bydifcoverïng the Evil of Sin, and the abfolute Necefiìty of Chrift's perfe6t Obedience thereunto in our (lead. IX. The firff Covenant required perfea. 9 bedience to the Law in. every Man's own Pkr- N3 fon