Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

Pit*Piav .pf :tate; Or, fon, in refpe& to their Juftification at God's Bar, by which means, through ?eau's Weak- nefs, and Inability to perform it, 'tis called, 2 Cor.3.6. The Killing Letter ; `I` he Letter kills---_for Sin taking occafion by the commandment,deceived me, 1A2n1.7.I I. and by it flew me - Sin revived, and1dyed That is, as to any hope of Life by the Law. But . the Covenant of Grace admits of a Subltitute, or of a Surety, to keep the Law for us ; and God acceptethof his Obe- dience and Suffering as imputed to us to our free Difcharge and Juftification in his Sight : And hence the Gofpel is called, The Cor.3.6. Miniftration of the Spirit, and .fife. Thus theCovenant of Peace, is the Cove- nant of Grace. (.)As çonfdered in it felf..(z.) Compara- tively, or in oppolitionto the firft Covenant, r Covgnant Of Works. Thirdly, The Covenant of Peace,- isthe Co- venantof Grace, appears in that 'tis'an abfo- lute Covenant. Tis- the L It is not made on Conditions to be per- Covenant formed by us, i. e. which being performed, of Grace, gives us ,áa Right unto the Reward promifed h'cat`rP'tis thereupon ; becaufe our Right and Title to Q,a alif'olute Heave:i is onl b the Rihteoifnefs of Chi:iit Covenant. a y y u through his perfe& Obedience to the Law, ¿vc. ` The Nature of the Covenant of Grace (faith Dr' C. ` a WorthyDivine) is Abfolute,or a Covenant ` of Promife, notvvithftándìng all theCö.nditi- ` cnalty contained therein. (I.) In refpeft. of { the Original Propofer of this Covenant, it came from the Freeand Abfolute Will;Grace, and