Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

C&eCot>ettattt6fpeafe€)pgrt^ 183 ‘ and Purpofe of the Father, i Tim. i. 9. The Covenant of Peace was not purchafed by Chrift • I mean, the Covenant it felf, tho the Bleffings in it were Chriffc’s Purchafe. (2.) ‘ The ‘ Covenant is Free and Abfolnteas to thcEled ‘ Perfonally coniidered becaufe the whole of ‘ the Fcederal Conditions lay upon their Head, ‘ as undertaking for them.| II '‘ If we confider the Covenant (faith he) ‘ in refpect to its Application, or its- being actually applied to the Eled in time ^ this is ‘ done abfolutely in GodV bellowing Grace, ‘ and the Gifts of the Promife to dead Crea- ‘ tures (or to Sinners,as Sinners.) Inwhom (as ‘ faith our Worthy Author) there is an abfo- ‘ lute Impoliibility of performing the lealt en- Dr. Q ‘ titling Ad to the Promife.' There can be ‘ nothing freer than Life to a dead Creature \ cneither doth Life give a Title to Adion, but ‘ it is the Principle of Adion. / / III. All the Promifes of the Covenant in the Promulgation of it,, in its Original Nature, and as refpeding us, expreiles theTe- nour of it as molt Free and Ahfolute.-Thus It was toAdamf.0 Abraham,toDavid^and to us\ I mil be your God, andyou (hall bemyPeople : It is not you fhall have Peace upon the Condition that you do this or that, ye fhall be Pardon’d, or then be Juftified •, No, but quite otherwife • But he that mrketb- hot^Romy. but believeth ■ on him that Juflifieth the Ungodly f ’Tis not by our Obedience, or Duties, but by the Promifes that we partake N 4 of