r 84 AbeDtf1ar of Vo/fotto efface t Or, of the Divine Nature. 2 Pet. i. q.. arc. All is givenabfoiutely of Free Grace. True, there are in the Covenant, Conditions of Connexi- on ., if a Man believes, he {hall be faxed ; But who gives that Faith ? Is it not God ? Pray obferve that jefiis Chriíf hash made our Peace, and Faith to receive the Atonement is given asan abfolute Promife : Is not the Spirit fo given ? And pray, dothnot God give the Spirit, before Faith can be exerted by us ? Is not Faith the Fruit óf the Spirit? And Both not Gal 5.22. the Fruit proceed from the Seed, and the .Aft flow from the Habit? Brethren, beware of them that PreachPeace to you, upon a Conditional Covenant ; the eado., be Condi ion they fpeak of, is your Repentance, not offend- Faith, Regeneration and Obedience. ea t repeclt Aid alas, who is able toperform thefe hard 'tis .TO of Conditions ? Betides, this is to turn the Co- reatzáo venant of Grace, into a Covenant of Works gale. youmull: work for juitification and Peace, it you vv ill have it ; nay, and you thall be no further jultifled, nor have Peace, than you are San&ified, if you believe thefe Mens Go- fpel. Bat we fay that Peace is made, and God bath promifed that he will give the Spirit, even pour it out uponSinners he firft pours out the Spirit of Grace, and then the Sinners be- lieve or look to him whom they pierced, zec..),I2 and receive the Meiling of Peace, or have the Minifeiarion of it to theirConfciences.- There ä5 no Condition (faith Reverend Cotton) before Fàith4