Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

tb Coènnt of peace Own. Ió5 Faith, but a Condition of Mifery, a loft Canditi- on : ThefeMen render God like Pharaoh's 7'äsk- maflers, who would have their Tale of Brick, but find the Ifraelites no straw. They will not have Sinners to have Peace, without doing that for it, which indeed no Man is able to do ; But O ! let poor loft Souls lookup to Chrift, wait on him, attendon his Word, cry to him who hath received Giftsfor the Rebellious alfo, i. e. the Gift of the Spirit, the Gift, (or rather) the Grace ofFaith, the Gift of Righteoufnefs. Will you have a Righteoufnefs wrought out of your own Bowels, or by doing, or have: none at all ? Will you be faved by Works,and not by Grace? But to proceed. 5. The Abfolutenefs of the Covenant ( faith this Author) appears as to us, in that all the Foederal, Intitling Conditions Dr. c. contained in it, are found in another, i. e. in Chrift, and not in us, neither wrought in us, nor by us; for, whatfoever is wrought .`m9I6. inus, is of Free Grace. My Brethren, Doth a Child contribute any thing to its ownFormation in the Womb ? Alas, What is in us before vve are Born again ? .end of hi§ jam.i.i8. own Will begat he us, &c. Obe&. But doth not the Gofpel require Faith and Repentance, co the Condition ofYufa-ification, and Eternal Life ? i 4nfw. I told you but evennow, there are Conditions of Connexion by way of order and dependance of things oneupon another : ' As in