_. rá6 ZbeDtfpIapof to?totio 015fCC + Or, ` in Logick (faith the fame Reverend Divine) if `a Creature be a Man, he is a Rational Crea- ` tare ; or if God be the firth Caufe, he is the ` Creator of all things : And in this fence ` (faith he) Creation is aCondition of Salvati- ` on ; ifaMan be Saved, he muff he Created : ` So if a Man believe he lhall be Saved, believ- ing is a Conditionof Connexion, a State of ` Grace is thus a Condition to a State of Glo- ` ry, by way ofConnexion in the Promife ; but ` one is not the Fcederal Conditionof another, ` but both come in as the Gift of Grace in this ` fence the Covenant contains all the Conditi- ` ons of Order and Dependance in the Exhibi- tion and Performance ; the hearing theWord ` is the Condition of Faith, but hearing is not a ` Foederal Condition ; fo the giving the Spi- ` rit is the Condition of Union to Chrift and ` Faith, and Faith the Condition of receiving of Pardon, and living in Holinefs and the ` giving of Pardon the Conditionof receiving ` it, and Holinefsthe Conditionof feeingGod, ` and of having Eternal Happinefs; but thefe ` kind of Conditions are not Fcederal Intitling ` Conditions to the Promife, but are con- ` tamed in the Promife, and denote the Con - nexionand Dependance of one promifed Be- ` nefit upon another. '2. God requires Faith and Repentance of them that (hall be faved ; but (i .) Not that theCreature can do either of thefe of himfelf, but to íhew he,will workFaith and Repentance . in all whomhé will fave,or as he bath ordained theEnd, fJ he bath alfo ordained the Means. (z.)