Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

s Zbc Plicnatit of pineOpetut. 187 (z.) But not that either of thefe are procu4 ring, or i~cederal Conditions of the Cove- nant bleflings, or of Salvation, becaufe all the Graces of the Spirit are contained in the Covenant as part of it ; therefore neither Faith, Repentance, Regeneration, as the Creatures Part or Work, can beConditions of it : There Men call Faith, &c. fuch a Conditi- on, that the Mercies granted are fufpended till we perfore: the Condition. It is therefore,faith he,no more than an A& ofours. True,we have a goodBargain, as a Man that gives but Twen- ay Guineas of his own, Purchafesan Hundred Pounds per Anntzrn. Brethren, (as our Author obferves) Wemuff di tinguilh of the MiniftryofReconciliation,irj refpeaof the Letterof it, and the Spirit ófit, i Cor. 3.6. in the Letterof it, or meer exter- nal Difpenfation it kills, becaufe the Sinner looks upon all thefeConditions ofdependance, Foederal Conditions, but theSpirit in its Mi- niltry is abfolute, according to the Original Contra&, and the fuller Difcovery in its higheft freedom ; therefore the Apoítle Pays, The Spiritgiveth Life. The believingCorinthi- ans, are faid to be the Epistle of Chrift, writ- ten and tranfcribed from the Original-Cove- nant Contraa ; Not with Ink, but with the Spirit ofthe Living God. Therefore From hence we mull diltinguilh between the Covenant in its Abfolute Tenure, and the Miniltry thereof, which is Conditionally di- fpenfed, according to the Connexion, Or- der, and Dependance of good Things con- tained