88 'jeDífptapofeiogotto Once o tamed in the Promife to a mix'd People The Eft -efts of the Miniltry will' either fof ten or harden, it will either work efFeftually by the Miniftry of the Spirit, according to the Nature ofan Abfolute Promife,and unto fuch it becomes a Savour of Life, unto Life, or elfe it works only in the Letter, and unto fuch it Kills, or is a Savour of Death unto Death, or an Aggravation of Death and Condemna- tion : But all its Divine Efficacy is according to the Purpofe, Will, and Good Pleafure of God. But having occafionally fpoken much before of the Abfolutenefs of the Covenant, I íhall fay no more, but Conclude at this Time. SER-