COenant of peace penal+ 189 SERMON IX. Further opening the Nature of the Co- venant of Peace ; that 'tis a well-or- deed Covenant, aGlorious Covenant, a Full Covenant, a Seafonabie Cove- mt. &c. I S A. Liv. x. Neither Pall the Covenant of my Peace be removed, faith the Lord that bath meaey on thee. Doa.THAT there is a Covenant ofPeace,, Fehr. 6. made or agreed on, andRandsfirm 1698. in the behalf of all God's Elevi. I am, my Brethren, upon the Third General Headof Difcourfe, which is to open the Na- ture of the Covenant of Peace. 1. I (hewed you it is the Covenant ofGrace. And that as tonfidered in it felf. . (47 0 E'1.Hoir ,f/ fire.%/¿; . lt is an Abfolute Covenant. 11 ai,l