Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

The Cove- nant of Grace a tvell or- dered Co- venant. ï joh.3.8. wawa Vtbe Ziípfelp of Olóltvtto Olace+ßr, o .rthly, To proceed : It is a well-order'd Covenant ; See 2 Sam. 23. 5. Tet he bath made with me, an Everlaffing Covenant, ordered in all things and fore, &c. I. This Covenant iswell-ordered in allthings in refpea of the Revelation, and Manife.ifati- on of all the Perfehions, and Glory of the Three Divine Perfons in the Godhead. i . The Perfections, Work, and Glory of God the Father hhines forth, and is difplayed in this Covenant. 2. The Perfe&ions, Work, and Glory of God the Son, fhines forth, and is difplayed herein alto. 3. The Perfections, Work, and Glory of God theHoly Ghoft fhines forth, and is dif- played in it likewife, as bath been (hewed. II. This Covenant is well ordered in all Things refpecting the Manifeffation, or Re- velation of the Perfections, and Glory of all the Divine Attributes of God, and as they al- fo in this Covenant appear to meet together in .tweet Harmony. III. This Covenant is vv-ell ordered in all things, to the utter Overthrowing, Defeat- ing, and Deftroying for ever the Delign, De- vices, Works, and Kingdom of the Devil ; For to this End roas the Son of God nianifejted. 1V. This Covenant is well ordered in all things to magnifie the Sanction and Honour of theHoly Lawof God, in that tither then the Law fliall fall to the Ground, or fated, or rendered contemptible in God's Saving loft Sitsters the Son of God comes and takes our Na-