Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

tac Colicitant ofpeace ipenct + 91 Ñature on him, and yields Perfet Obedience. to it and to greaten its Glory, he died the Curfed Death of the Crofs, to anfwertheJuf Punifhment it loth denounce upon Mankind, for the Breach thereof. Moreover, V. This Covenant is well ordered in all things for our Good, both in refpe& of Grace here, and Glory hereafter. ; or in refpd..1 of what by it we are delivered from, and of thofe high Priviledges, Dignities, and of that Un- changeable andEternal Honour we are raifed upunto hereby : But becaufe I have latelyupon another Text fpoken unto thofe Things large- ly in two Sermons on the Covenant, I íhall not add any thing further on this Account #. Fifthly, It is a Glorious Covenant. I. It muff needs be a Glorious Covenant in refpe&had to the Timewhen it was made, or entered into, between the Fatherand the Son and this was, as you have heard, before the World began, even in Eternity, z Tim. i . 9. Tit. 1. 2. Hence Jefus Chrifl'tis faid was a Lamb (lain before the Foundationofthe World, Rev.' 3.8. and what Pilate, and thePeopleof Ifrael, and the Gentiles, did to him, was mhatfoever God's Hand and his Counfel determined before to be done, Act. 9.28. * See a book Intituled, The everlaßing covenant, aTweet cordial for a droopirg Soul, being Two Sermons Preached upon the Account of Mr. Henry Forty's Funeral, MiniCter of the. Gofpel, and at his Requeft, from 2 Sam. 23. 5 Cerro