I92 ie Díf íap of logoto 015mcc t Or, The Cove- Certainly that Covenant that was fo early; Want of even fromEverlalling, contrived by the Sub- Grace uis á lime Wifdom of God, and entered into be- Covenant. tween fuchGloriousPerfons as the Father and the Son, muff be a moll Glorious Covenant and this, I fay, in refpeE to the Time when, and to the Perfons who entred into it,certainly it muff be force great Thing that is contained in this Covenant that was fo early, and by°the Eternal God concludedupon. II. It mull needs be a Glorious Covenant, in regard that there was alfo a Council held about it in Eternity, for it was made as the Refult ÁL2.23. of a Great and Glorious Council ; Him, being delivered by the Determinate Council and Fore- knowledge of God, ye have taken, and by Wicked Hands ye have Crucified and Slain, The Fa- ther, Son, and Holy Spirit then agreed, That the SecondPerfon fhould aflùñle the Nature of Man, and die tomake our Peace ; tho 'tis true Zech.6.1 3. elfewhere it is Paid, The Counrel of Peace was between them both, viz. theFather andtheSon yet lnce it is afcribed to Godwithout diffin&i- on of Perfons, and alfo Peeing the Holy Ghoft hath his part in this Covenant toas and do, in order to the ac` ual and compleat Accom- plifhment of the whole "Tranfaaions agreed on in that Glorious Council, I feeno reafon to exclude the Holy Ghoft frombeing concerned therein. Moreover let us confider the great Things Conflated about in that GloriousCouncil. r.It was how Godmight , be Juif,or Magnifie his Juflie andyet IN Gracious, and Magnifie his