Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

tG»e Cobznant of Peace ellell D+ his Mercy, and Infinite Love and Goodnefs ; or how Godmight preferve his ownHonour, andyet become our Redeemer. z. How Sinmight be punií'ned, and the O- dious Nature, and Infinite Evil that is in it, be expofed, and yet the guilty Sinner be ac- quitted. III. It is a Glorious Covenant, becaufe in it there is a difplay of God's Higheft, and moft Glorious Wifdom ; the Gofpel contains the Manifeftation of God's Hidden tVifdorn, and the Wifdom of God in a Myftery ; nay, Paid calls it a Glorious Myftery, TowhomGod would Col:.27e make known what tis the Riches of the Glory ofthis Myftery. There is much of the Wifdom of GodPeen in his Works of Creation and Pro- vidence ; yea, and there is alto great Myfteries hid in thofe Works of God, but the Chiefeft and molt Glorious Wifdom of God is mani- felted in the Work and Covenant of Man's Redemption ; Without Controverfe, great is the Tim, .Myftery of Godlinefs ; God mánifefted in the r6ä Fle¡h, the Word was made FieJh. This is the Wonderment of the Holy gn'gels, and 'tis mervelous indeed, how an Infinite Nature fhould be Perfonally.united tó a FiniteNature, fo as tomake but one Perfon :. What Wifdom of God is here difplayed ? O who can fearch out thedepth of thisMyftery ? IV. It mutt needs be a Glorious Covenant in refpea of that difplay of God's Glorious Love therein ; God fo loved the World, that no Cre- atedBeings can conceive of it, neither Men nor Angels. O And 193