Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

194 Et. Difpinv of OlogotloOwe + Or, And fo I might Beak of the Glory of his Ju tice, Power, Holinefs, s&c. which amazing- ly Thine forth herein. V. Alfo in that this Covenant fets forth the Glory, Beauty, and Perfonal Excellencies of Je- fus Chrift. r. In. refpeOc of his Perfon, as God -Man. 2. In refpe&of his Offices, of which I have already fpoken. VI. It is a Glorious Covenant in refpe& of thofe Things which we are hereby delivered from, and are alfo invested with, and raifed up to pollèfs Is not that a Glorious Co- venant, by the Bleffings of which, Sinners are delivered from Sin, which is the greateft Evil ; and that brings themout of a State of Death, Wrath, the Curfe, andCondemnation ? And that which alfo gives them,through the Appli- cation thereof, an Intereít in God, the chief- eft Good ; or which reiiores 'God to them to be their God forever ? Confider what Glorious Gifts and Priviledges are giyen and granted in this Covenant ? Is not that a Glori- ous Covenant in which God is given, Chrift is given to the Soul? (But this I Ihall open more largely under the next Head.) But O ! what Glorious Priviledges are contained here- in, as granted. to all true Believers ? More- over, What Glorious Grace is by this 'Cove- nant procured for all the Ele&? And what a Me cove. Crown and Kingdom do they hereby obtaina want of true, Title unto. Peace, a Sí.t.thy The Covenant of Peace is a full fo cove- Covenant; there is nothing wanting in it,, Want. either