'íße itoaenant ofpeace Ope te either refpe&ing the Glory of Godz or our Good and Eternal Happinefs. I. It is a full Covenant in refped of Satis- failion, Merit and Righteoufnefs ; my Bre- thren, neither Divine Juftice, nor the Lawof God can require any more than what Chrift hash by his Active, and Paffive Obedience paid : God faith, This. i6 my beloved Son in whom Iamwell i leafed. Chrilt is called theSun Mat. 3.17. of Righteoufnefs, denoting that ful lnefs ofRigh- 4i. 14. 4.2 teoufnefs which is in him as Mediator; What is fuller of light than the Sun? And who is fuller of Righteoufnefs than Jefus Chrift ? And as the Sun communicates its Light to all the Earth, even fo Chrift communicates his Righteoufnefs to all the Ele&-; i. e. His Righ- teoufnefs is imputed to all that Believe : (not the Effeas of his Righteoufnefs ) but his Active and Paffive Obedience, is the Material caufe of our Juffification, and the Imputation of it, is the formal caufe thereof, and fromhim by the Spirit an Inherent Righ- teoufnefs is alto infufed into the whole Body ( to whom he is a Head of Influence) to their Sanctification. I I. This Covenant is a full Covenant ; be- caufe, in it, or in Chrift ( who is the Sum of the Covenant) there is a fullnefi of Suffici- ency : and in the application of it by the Sp- rit There is a fullnefs of Efficacy to all the E- led, He tis the .Head of the Body, the Church, Epl,. I.23 the .Fullnefs of him thatfilletb all in all. Chrift makes the Covenant Effectual or Effi- catious to all his Members, filling all who be- O. 2 lieve 195