Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

I 96 DtfpIap of IogotiOelate : úr, lieve, with all grace by the Spirit, leaving not on believing Soul empty cf what is tru- ly good. Doth the Soul want light ? Chrift will give it; He is the Light ofthe Gentiles : The Light of the World. Doth he want Li- berty? Chrift releafes the Captives. Dothhe needReft ? Chrift gives the weary andheavy- mem laden reft : In a word, Chrift in the Covenant 28. is Food to the Hungry, Cloaths to the Naked, Strength to the Weak, Health to the Sick, Cou- rage to the Faint-hearted, Succor to the Temp- ted, Beauty to the Deformed, Riches to the Poor, Peace to the Troubled, Life to the Dead Chrift is all in this Covenant. I I I. It is a Full Covenant becaufe it an- fwers not only all the wants oftheSoul, but of rfal.," 5 the Body alto : He will give meat to them that fear him, he is ever mindfull of as Covenant : Meat to the Soul, and Meat to the Body. tä1.37.3. Alto, -ruft in the Lord and do good, and fo ¡halt thou dwell in the Land, and verily thou¡halt be fed. All things both for theBody andSoul, which God fees is good for us we (hall have Pal. he will give Grace and Glory, and no good p I, thing will he witholdfrom them that walkupright- ly : But yet, we mull not be the Judges of what is good, but leave it to God. We may think that is good for us which he may fee to be hurtful. IV. It is a Full Covenant ; becaufe in it there is the Mediators Hinds to all filch that areunited to him as the effects thereof, 'tis not a Creature-Fiilnefs that is in Chrift ; no, but the Fulnefs of God : For it pleated