Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

Zbr earn= of Peace aDpene1). .I97 pleated the Father that in him all Fulnefs fhouldCol. 1.19 dwell; in him dwelleth the Fulnefs of theGod- ch 2.9e head Bodily : The Fulnefs of the God-head dwells as truly in the Son, as in the Father and of his Fulnefs do all Believers partake, Of his Fulnefs all we receive, and Grace for Soh. 1.16. Grace. i . Therefore in this Covenant, we do not only receive Light, but the Fulnefs of Light. 2. Not only Life, but the Fulnefs of Life, becaufe Chrift is our Life whom we receive in this Covenant. 3. Not only Strength, but the Fulnefs of Strength ; The Lord its the Strength ofmy heart, rfa.73.26. and my Portion for ever. 4. Not only Pardon of Sin, but a Fulnefs of Pardon ; or, the Full&Pardon, compleat Pardon. ,. Not only Righteoufnefs, but the Fulnefs of Righteoufnefs perfea and compleat Righ- teoufnefs, and you are compleat in him. coi. 2. i 6 NotonlyPeace, but the Fulnefs ofPeace 7 . Peace that paffeth all underfianding. Phil. 4. 7 7. Not only Beauty, but the Fulnefs ofBeau- ty ; For it was perfet, thro' my Comlinefs which I put upon thee, faith the Lord God. E 15' S. Not only knowledge, but the Fulnefs of 14 knowledge ; And ye alfo are Full of all good- Rom. 15, nefs, filled with all knowledge, &c. 1` . The parts may the weak, yet where CliriW dwellsor bath taken poffefonoftheheart,there the Soul batha Fulnefs ofSpiritual knowledg : Our Veflèls may be full tho' but fmall. And 9. Not only Joy, but the Fulnefs of Joy 0 3 Theft