198,, j fje DÉt'p1 dp ßf. C!mtaugi O te: Or, lob. 15. Thefe things have I fpoken unto you, that my ,ft. joy might remain inyou, and thatyour joy might 45oh. 16. be full. Again, he faith, Ask and ye _Mali 24. pet receive, your yo r joy full be ll ; 'tis called, 1..1. unfpeakable joy, and full of Glory. io. Laftly, And not only Glory, but the Fulnefs of Glory ; for the Fnlnefs of the Glo- ry of Heaven is contained in this Covenant, or the perfec and full enjoyment of God, e- ven the Beatificial - Vifion. Seventhy. It is a feafonable Covenant. I. In refetd of God's early contrivance and making of it for us with Chrifl ; it was provided ( my Brethren) before Man finned, or ready again__ the very time of need : Poor Adam when he had finned knew nothing of, it. But God provided the Plaifler before we received the Wound ; he provided us a Phyfitian, before we wereSick; or a Saviour in this Covenant, before we had finned ; had not this Covenant been made before with Chrift for us, we had been loft no doubt for ever that verymoment Man fell, every thing being Beautiful in its time, or proper feafon. 'Tis I L A feafonable Covenant, in refpeEt of the Revelation or Manifeflation of it ; even juif as Adam had finned, and when Divine Yuflice was ready to lift 'up his direful Ax of Divine Vengeance : How feafonable is it for a, poor, conáemned Criifinal to hear of a Pardon, juff when he is brought to. the place of Exe- cution ; and the Halter is put about his Neck, or the Ax liftedup to Cut off his Mead ? III. It is a feafonabbe Covenant., in refpart to