EbeQto enant ofpeace Openc+ to the application of the bleflings thereof to a poor Sinner. . t. 'Tis by the Spirit applyed,: when the fin- ner fees he is Condemned, being under the fenfe of Sin, Wrath and Condemnation, be holding himfelf juft dropping intoHell ; then this Covenant is opened, and the blefng of free Juftification, and Pardon is applied. 2. When the Soul and Confcience of a (in- ner is wounded, andhis wounds bleed; then is the Balm of the Covenant applied to heal 3. him. When the Sinner fees he is purfued by the Avenger of Blood, and fees no way to e- fcape, then his Eyes are opened- and he is di- reäed to fly to the City of refuge., theway being made plain and eafie, and the Holy Spi- rit dire& the Soul to C,hrift, and crys Refuge, Refuge. Heb.6. i 9. 4. When the Sinner fees he is fo lick that he can't live, even then the Phyfician pro- vided in the Covenant comes immediatelyand pours in his Oyl and Wine, When I payedby andEtek. i6<6. faw thee polluted in thy Blood, Ifaid unto thee live -- Ye I fmare unto thee, and entred into vet. 8. Covenant with. thee faith the Lord, and thou be- cameft snipe.' Eighthly. It is a Sure Covenant : Ordered in 2 sara.23. all things and fore. Inclineyour ear and come 5 unto me, .hear and your Souls (hall live, and I will make an everlafling Covenant with you even 1î4.: the cure mercies of David. I. It is a foreCovenant, becaufe it is made with fuch a Surety as Jefus Chrift is , it is 0 4 4gt 99