;yeti. a8. vpr. Dtfpiap.,Af VDltatbo elaCC t Or, not made primarily with us, but with Chrift for us,andwith us inhim; thefunmercies ofDa- vid : That is our Lord Jefus Chrift, 'he is the true Antitipical David. Sure, becaufe they are Mercies granted to us thro Chrift's fhretifhip ; and when a Sinner is brought into the bands of the Covenant, God is Paid to make this Covenant with him, i. e. he a&ually en- tering then thro' Chrift into Covenant with God ; but our Landing then in it, is upon the account of Chrift's Covenant with theFa- ther for us. I. It is a Sure Covenant, becaufe it ftands upon the abfolute purpofe and unchangeable 89. Decree and Councel of God. My Mercy will I keep with him, and my Covenant ¡hall fl and 54 fafi with him. ----- My Covenant will I not break nor alter the thing that is goneout of my mouth. Ieçe the abfolute Decrees of God, are com- pared to mountains of Brafs, Zach. 6. i . De- noting how unmovable, ftedy and unchanga- ble his Councels are ; nay, Tho' the Mountains 54`10.fhould depart, and the Hills be removed, yet faith the Lord, my loving kindnefs ¡hall not de- part from thee, neither ¡hall the Covenant ofmy Peace be removed, &c. All Covenant-Mercys are according. to God's Eternal purpofe, which he Wpb. 3. n.purpofed in Chrifl 5efus our Lord The Cove- nant ftands not only as the a& of God's Eter- nal W ifdom, but as his Etern,l Decree and Purpofe before all Worlds. I I I. The' Covenant of Peace is fare, be caufo it is confirmed by the witnefs of the holy Ghofr. ti The