Vic Colimna %of 19Eacc Opcne i+ 1. The Spirit ofGodwas a witnefs to the Covenant when it was made. 2. Moreover it was confirmed in the pro- mulgation of it by the Holy Ghoft, by won- derfull Miracles ; for what ferved all thole Mi- racles more clearly for,than to confirm theAu- thority of the Mediator, and the verity and 'lability of the Gofpel Covenant ? IV. Furthermore, The Covenant was (as you heard) confirmed by the Blood of Jefus Chrift, therefore it is a fore Covenant. V. TheCovenant is fore; becaufe it is con- firmed by the Promife and OathofGod : Once Pfai. 89. have Ifworn by my Holinefs that I will not lye 35, 36. toDavid, his Seed¡hall endure for ever, and his Throne as the Sun before me. This its as the Ifa. 54.9. waters of Noah unto me, for a I have fworn that the waters of Noah ¡hall no morego over the Earth, fo have I fworn that I will not be wrath with thee, nor rebuke thee ; compared with Heb. 6. 13, 16, 17, I ó. VI. It is a Sure Covenant to all Gods Ele& ; becaufe the Execution of it is put intoChrift's own hands, he is the Executioner of his own Will and Teftament, for tho Chrift was dead yet he is alive ; I am he that liveth and was Key .1.18, dead, 'and behold I am aliveforevermore. Chrift fees his lait Will andTeftament fully execut- ed by his Spirit. Ninethly, It is a Covenant ofPeace, this is the Name that is given to it in my Text, which alfo'hews it is of an excellent and precious na- ture. I. 'Tis a Covenant; ofPeace with God, God is